How to Showcase Your Fabulous and Authentic Voice

Pamela Montgomery
3 min readMar 7, 2017


Showcase Your Fabulous and Authentic Voice

Showcase Your Fabulous and Authentic Voice

How to Showcase Your Fabulous and Authentic Voice

This week’s episode of My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series is all about how to showcase your fabulous and authentic voice. In this episode, we discuss the importance of sharing your expertise in a manner that builds trust and loyalty. As you share your expertise, you build your authority status and become a trusted advisor.

Henry David Thoreau wrote, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” The “song” is not music. Instead, it is your unexpressed authentic self, waiting to come out. Perhaps it is fear of rejection or fear of success that keeps you from sharing with the world your wisdom and expertise. Or it could be a lack of confidence. Whatever is holding you back, can emerge as you become an entrepreneur.

In an Huffington Post article, Dennis Merritt Jones wrote, “Finding your authentic voice is for naught unless you are willing to use it.” Once you begin to use your authentic voice, magic that starts to occur in your life.

Are you ready to use and showcase your fabulous authentic voice?

In this episode, we discuss 5 steps that showcase your fabulous and authentic voice. They are:

1. Write Blog Posts

One of the best ways to showcase your voice is to write blog posts that present top quality information using your unique perspective.

2. Publish a Book

Publishing a book is a fantastic way to establish your authority status and share your voice. Nothing opens more doors for other opportunities like a book.

3. Hold Live Events

Holding live events such as webinars or teleseminars that provide value-laden information to people who want to learn from you is a great way to connect with your audience.

4. Produce a Podcast

An audio podcast allows you to express yourself orally. You may find it easier to express your ideas orally than in writing. To find out how you can produce your own impactful podcast series, check out our Special Report and Training Guide: The Podcasting Power Playbook. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast series: My Biz Dream Team: Opportunity Wednesday Training Series where we share powerful strategies to help you build a business of significance and achieve uncommon results.

5. Create Information Products

Another great way to connect with your audience is to create information products that allow your audience to learn more in-depth information from you. You may want to create an information product online that uses a membership site to deliver written, video, or audio content.

Conclusion/Call to Action

There are many ways to showcase your fabulous authentic voice as you allow it to emerge. You can use your voice to impact the world as you (1) write blog posts; (2) publish a book; (3) hold live events; (4) produce a podcast; and (5) create an information product. These opportunities and others help you become a recognized authority and showcase your authentic voice.

I am Pamela Montgomery, attorney, author, entrepreneur, and speaker who helps you create the life of your dreams as you achieve uncommon results in your business and in your life!

Originally published at My Biz Dream Team.



Pamela Montgomery

#Attorney, #Author, #Speaker #Online Marketing Strategist Helping You Achieve Uncommon Results. #justice, #leadership #ResultsOrientedStrategies