Hey 2nd Amendment People! The Protesters are “14th Amendment People!”

Patrick Dean
3 min readJun 23, 2020

This is a genuine reminder that the rights many protesters are trying to have recognized and protected — especially as those rights relate to the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor cases — are derived from the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution.

For example, in the Breonna Taylor case, Breonna’s life was unfortunately taken by an agent of the state without due process (e.g., without being formally accused of a crime, without having a chance to face her accuser in court, without an opportunity to defend herself before a jury of her peers, etc.). This is how her 14th amendment rights were circumvented. Therefore, everyone — “especially 2nd Amendment people,” should praise the peaceful protestors as “14th Amendment people.”

The 14th Amendment was one of the Reconstruction Amendments to the US Constitution and was enacted after the Civil War. I can’t speak for all of the protesters, but if you consider the series of events from the 5th Amendment, the Civil War, Jim Crow Laws, Reconstruction Amendments, the Civil Rights Acts (plural!), etc., you realize how much effort and protesting has been poured out by citizens — not to be afforded new rights, but just to have their existing rights equally guaranteed (especially for African Americans and other minorities in the United States all throughout its history).

