1000: A New Milestone

Medium Milestones

1 min readApr 4, 2023


Image says: Thank you 1000 followers; a heart image on lower right corner


I know for some of my followers, that’s nothing. But for me, its’ a milestone.

I honestly never expected to break a thousand followers. It’s a little unreal honestly. I know, realistically that some have left Medium — forgot they made an account and gone on their merry way.

Especially once the world threw the covid doors open and said we’re just gonna let it go and left the vulnerable to go back to our isolated lives.

This post isn’t for those people though. This post is for the rest of you wonderful souls.

I know I have a few silent readers. I am grateful for those reads and the claps. I hope one day, you will be brave enough to say hello :) I promise we don’t bite.

I know there are a small group that read and comment regularly.

I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. I would not be here with out that interaction. So thank you!

Medium can be a tough place to be, but each and every one of you make it worth it. I am glad we have all crossed paths and get to share our lives in our stories and in the comments.




I write about community, living with a disability, politics and people.