Empowering Women at Goddess Me

Penny Mancuso
1 min readFeb 27, 2020


Giuseppina “Penny” Mancuso possesses over two decades of leadership experience. She was a successful stage and film actress, an award-winning film producer, and has held leadership roles in prominent nonprofits and cultural institutions. A certified life coach, Penny Mancuso, is the founder and president of Goddess Me based in Montreal, Canada.

Goddess Me is a development life couch firm that empowers women by helping them unleash the brilliant goddess within them. By discovering their inner goddess, women can align their ideals and goals to live a full life. Goddess Me, as a life coaching or personal coaching firm, provides one-on-one consultation wherein a trained life coach assists the client to attain personal life goals.

These goals can range from weight loss, career change, enhanced self-confidence, and better relationships. Utilizing advanced coach principals, Goddess M, also provides tailored programs, namely: The Crown Goddess, The Wonder Woman Goddess, Goddess-in-me, and The Goddess-preneur. To learn more about life coach firm Goddess Me, visit www.goddessme.ca.



Penny Mancuso

After extensive experience in art, philanthropy and filmmakin, Penny Mancuso now operates a women’s life coaching and personal development practice, Goddess Me.