What is Bitumen and why you should know about it?

3 min readMay 2, 2016


What is Bitumen?

Bitumen is base of modern infrastructure. Also known as Pitch, Asphalt or Coal-tar, 70% of the commercial bitumen is used in paving roads. In addition to building roads, it is also used in developing bituminous waterproofing that protects our commercial and residential buildings. It is in in semi-liquid form that is super viscous, sticky and waterproof. Canada has the largest natural resources for asphalt, however Iran being the superpower of petroleum Industry bitumen from Iran are not only cost effective however but also possess a superior quality. Thus Iran contributes a major chunk of overall bitumen supplies in the world.

Application of Bitumen

The major application of Bitumen worldwide is building roads. Additionally,bitumen has also been used extensively to build waterproof boats. Some additives coupled with bitumen is used to develop coating to protect buildings. Herodotus, One of the prominent Greek Historian has noted that the mortars used in Babylon walls was developed using bitumen. Other historians have pointed out that extensive usage of asphalt in constructions was perhaps the main reason of burning the famous city of Carthage. In ancient times the photographic technology used a special form of bitumen. Joseph Nicephore, a noted French scientist used bitumen in taking the first ever picture in the world. He coated the pewter plates with bitumen and exposed it to sunlight which resulted into black and white picture.

Bituminous compounds or bitumen required to be heated at very high temperature before production. That is the reason behind insurance liability policy of vessels that contains the bitumen at the time of heating. The public insurance policy is similar to that of flame cutting equipments or blow torches.

Alternatives of Bitumen

Refined petroleum products are used as input to develop high quality asphalt. Therefore high carbon emission is a natural phenomenon while constructing roads. The pollution and environmental deterioration is putting a greater challenge than ever to human being. This is the reason why many countries have been consciously trying to build alternative of bitumen in developing roads and construction.

As of now there are several alternatives of petroleum derivative products which poses an imminent danger to existing of human being. Developed countries are trying to build green roads and infrastructure which are self sustainable. The good news is that it can now be made from renewable sources like potato starches, corn, rice, molasses and sugar. When used motor-oils is distilled, it generates waste material which sometimes is burned or dumped into landfills. The scientists have developed a ways to generate bitumen from such waste material as well.

The main advantage of developing bitumen from non-petroleum product is that the color of roads can be controlled and it can be made of lighter colors. The lighter color of roads will lead to less absorption of heat especially during summers. This will finally lead to less contribution of roads in scorching heat in urban areas.


Bitumen is what makes us move. It is the reason why roads are black. Being a petroleum product its contribution in greenhouse emission is huge. There are several alternatives of bitumen developed of of non-petroleum products are being explored to reduce environmental pollution.


