Interview with Jeff Lyon, PentaCore Investor

3 min readMar 20, 2018


Today we talk with PentaCore investor, Jeff Lyon, business owner, traditional asset and crypto investor and newest member of the PentaCore team. Jeff, I’m curious about your background, but mostly, I want to know why you chose to invest with PentaCore.

Let’s start with the big question, and work backwards. With all of your experience, personal and professional, why did you decide to throw your hat in with PentaCore?

I have been fascinated with cryptocurrency since 2013. With the knowledge that I’ve amassed since then, throwing my hat (and my capital) in with PentaCore was an easy decision.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are not going away. It’s an important part of the development of a truly global economy and the smartest thing anyone can do is get involved. All that sounds great, but because too many investors are deterred by the complexity, jargon and technical aspects of completing the transaction itself, they may never invest in cryptocurrencies.

That’s why the world needs PentaCore: cryptocurrency is about the democratization of the financial industry. PentaCore deepens and furthers that aim by providing a clear, accessible entry point to investors. Not stopping there, PentaCore provides a level of security that you just can’t get when buying a single token, through the diversified, actively managed PentaFund and the PentaView platform. I spent years actively learning about this asset class. I am thrilled to be on the leading edge now, helping others.

OK, now let’s back up. What is your background in investment management?

My experience in investing goes back to the 90’s, when I worked in the managed futures business, a specialized form of hedge fund that appeals to investors looking to hedge their portfolios with alternative assets, largely inversely correlated with stocks and bonds. We had about $50M under management, mainly institutional pension fund allocations. Fresh out of college at that time, I was attracted to the analytical aspects of the business, which were a natural fit for the thinking processes I adopted while studying mechanical engineering. I learned to develop trend-following models and techniques, and built futures positions in currencies, metals and bonds to maximize returns and minimize drawdowns. Later, I operated an investment fund using the same techniques, this time focusing on stocks, after programmatically backtesting fifteen years of daily price data for 3,000 stocks.

How did you end up becoming involved in cryptocurrencies?

In late 2014, I left a corporate career to refocus on fund management full time again, incubating a hedge fund with a few investors and some of my own capital. The prior year I had discovered Bitcoin, and began reading all I could about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in particular. I kept a window on my trading screens open just for Bitcoin and towards the end of 2015, my indicators showed that it was trending with upward momentum. Having followed the trends closely, I knew it was time to jump in and began accumulating it on Coinbase. I kept adding to my position on dips, like the one offered up in March 2017 when the SEC rejected the Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF. I also diversified into about ten other “altcoins” during this time. I ended up closing my stock-based hedge fund to acquire and operate a private company but retained my focus on my crypto portfolio. I found that while stocks are always interesting, the technologies and sagas inside the crypto space are absolutely fascinating. I even set up some idle computers to mine Ethereum with my sons, just for the fun of it.

Great. To wrap it up, is there anything you’d like to share with our readers?

Yes. I assume that if you’re here, reading this, you are considering entering the crypto-asset space. I strongly advise you to do your research, diversify your holdings, understand the process fully and brace yourself for the volatility you will face. Or, choose to invest in PentaCore. We’ll handle all that for you.

Thanks so much for your time and insight, Jeff.

Thank you.

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PentaCore is a wealth management company designed to allow individuals across the world to gain access and exposure to the cryptocurrency asset class.