PentesterLabinPentesterLabWe’re Moving Our Blog Back Home!We’re excited to announce that PentesterLab is moving its blog from Medium back to our own website!Jul 13Jul 13
PentesterLabinPentesterLabThe Power of Scripting in Web HackingIn web hacking, scripting is a key skill that separates good hackers from great ones. If you follow top web hackers, you’ll notice they use…Jul 2Jul 2
PentesterLabinPentesterLab6 Questions to Ask When Interviewing for an AppSec RoleYou wrote the perfect resume, the interview is going well! Now the classic “Do you have any questions for us?” is coming. Asking questions…Jun 14Jun 14
PentesterLabinPentesterLabDon’t Let Tools Spoil Your Hacking EducationIn the world of hacking, the right tools can make all the difference. However, when you’re just starting out, it’s crucial to understand…May 29May 29
PentesterLabinPentesterLabBeating the code review plateauxIn every field, people eventually hit plateaux in their progression. Security code review is no different. In this article, we explore…May 31May 31
PentesterLabinPentesterLabInterview with Ryan Montgomery aka 0dayTell me a bit more about yourself?Sep 1, 2023Sep 1, 2023
PentesterLabinPentesterLabExploring Algorithm Confusion Attacks on JWT: Exploiting ECDSAJSON Web Tokens (JWT) are widely used for authentication in modern applications. As their use increases, so does the importance of…May 2, 20231May 2, 20231
PentesterLabinPentesterLabA strategy to land your first pentest jobIn this blog post, we are going to cover a strategy to help you get a job as a pentester or application security professional.Dec 16, 20212Dec 16, 20212
PentesterLabinPentesterLabHow to start reviewing code?Too often (me included), savvy code reviewers recommend to get started into code review by “Just reading code” and that is indeed the best…Oct 27, 2021Oct 27, 2021