People For Bernie
4 min readAug 24, 2016



In anticipation of the launch of the post Bernie Sanders organization Our Revolution, grassroots supporters of that campaign have come together to declare their support for Paul Newell in the 65th Assembly District in Lower Manhattan. Sanders supporters are united in support of Paul Newell, including:

  • Official Project of Team Bernie New York
  • People for Bernie
  • Millennials for Bernie
  • Citizen Action New York*
  • Zephyr Teachout*
  • American Postal Workers Union*
  • CWA Locals 1180, 1101*
  • New York State Nurses Association*
  • Many of the leading Bernie Sanders delegates from across New York State

[*Endorsers listed on Paul Newell’s website]

Paul Newell challenged the former Speaker Sheldon Silver before others were willing to acknowledge his corruption. It is because of vision, courage and conviction like this that supporters of Bernie Sanders are lining up for the Newell campaign. Silver, who was recently sentenced to prison, was for many years one of the most powerful politicians in New York.

Paul Newell decided that the corrupt “three men in a room” system of legislation in New York was undemocratic and worth fighting. In his race to unseat Silver, he was endorsed by the New York Times, the New York Post and the Daily News. He garnered a third of the vote against the 40-year-incumbent.

Newell has since been involved with advocacy against hospital closures, predatory landlords and Islamophobia, earning a loyal following among progressives and a slew of local endorsements in this year’s race, including those of the teachers’ and nurses’ unions and nationally-recognized reformers such as Zephyr Teachout. This year, Sanders’ movement in NYC has been knocking doors, making phone calls and even contributing to Newell’s and social media efforts.

“This is a chance for an important district to make a significant point at a pivotal moment: the political revolution has only just begun,” said Charles Lenchner, co-founder People for Bernie. For the group, founded by Occupy activists before Sanders had declared his run for president, a race in lower manhattan has a special significance. “This district is central to the fight for economic justice and raising the voice of the people in politics. Here, we have both the financial district and the birthplace of Occupy. Paul has a proven record of bringing people together, supporting social movements, and standing up for justice.”

Many of those falling into line behind Paul Newell plan to continue to support true progressive candidates who show they can stand up to the democratic establishment and firmly support progressive positions such as single payer healthcare, rent-stabilization, and campaign finance reform.

Team Bernie NY group’s grassroots organizers chose to make Newell campaign one of their leading official projects this summer. Volunteer group Team Bernie NY co-founder Tascha Van Auken said, “What I like about Paul Newell is his history of activism and organizing in his community. I think it’s a good sign when someone has as much local support as Paul. When you attend events, you can tell the people in his community know and like him. That’s important. He ran against Sheldon Silver when nobody else would and for me that demonstrates his ability to push back against establishment politics when necessary.”

Sam Moch, a project leader Team Bernie NY, who has knocked on thousands of doors for both Bernie and Newell, added “having worked alongside Paul to stop hospital closures was one of the ways I became involved in progressive politics, and joined the Bernie movement. It’s a great crew on the Newell campaign, genuinely committed to clean elections, neighborhood advocacy and social justice.

Mindy Rosier, a board member of Citizen Action New York — New York City Chapter, also spoke up about progressives backing of Newell, “Citizen Action of New York has also endorsed Newell, “Paul has stood with Citizen Action of New York from affordable housing and tenants’ rights to fighting for $15. He is the kind of the salt of the earth human who will fight for each and every one of us in Albany and has my enthusiastic endorsement.”

“Paul has been fighting corruption before it was cool,” said Katherine Brezler, National Digital Director of People for Bernie. “Paul knows that the costs of corruption are higher rents and underfunded schools. As a teacher, I am proud to support a candidate that has the endorsement of NYSUT.”

“Paul first ran for office in 2008 when he was 33 years old, against someone who had been in power for longer than he had been alive. He wanted to vote against his corrupt Assemblymember and didn’t see any other name on the ballot, so he ran himself. When he didn’t win, he didn’t go away. He ran for and won a party position and spent 7 years working hard to make the party more progressive, more responsive, and more innovative. This is exactly the kind of leadership Millennials for Bernie is excited to see when so many of us are ready to find our own place in the political system,” said Moumita Ahmed, founder of Millennials for Bernie.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Charles Lenchner, 202–460–5199
Katherine Brezler, 914–625–8275
Tascha Van Auken, 917–673–4118




People For Bernie

We are activists and organizers building a broad, effective movement for democratic change. Send money to @BernieSanders, not us. Internet Mom of #FeelTheBern.