People For Bernie
2 min readFeb 16, 2018


Regardless of Mueller’s findings on the 2016 primary election, our movement continues to grow from the grassroots. With the data released thus far, our network alone, which was one of thousands of grassroots assets, reached more people than the entire Russian operation.

We always took the stance that it was better to take the high road: promote Bernie and our ideas. We occasionally attacked HRC on the issues, but it was a small % of our posts. As a whole, the primary was clean and issue based (unlike most electoral politics).

Moving forward forces who want to damage our movement will try to use Mueller’s findings to attack us. Don’t waste your time on them. Keep building strong local movements around our issues and our candidates.

Since the primary the Dem party has moved to the left on many issues, the #FightFor15, #MedicareForAll, and the importance of local parties to name a few. There’s no evidence 13 Russian operatives did a damn thing to make any of that happen. You did. We did. Keep organizing.

Since the campaign hundreds of local socialist and progressive groups have formed and millions of people have been activated in the political process. There’s no evidence 13 Russian operatives did a damn thing to make any of that happen. You did. We did. Keep organizing.

As the largest on-line group to come out of the 2016 primary, and the group who helped form the grassroots for Bernie 2016, we hear the voices who are angered by this news, but understand, it wasn’t 13 Russians who did the work, it was people like you. Keep organizing.



People For Bernie

We are activists and organizers building a broad, effective movement for democratic change. Send money to @BernieSanders, not us. Internet Mom of #FeelTheBern.