Our Message to Civilians of East Aleppo


People in Need NGO
3 min readDec 14, 2016

النسخة العربية هنا — رسالتنا لأهالي الأحياء الشرقية في حلب

A final message from east Aleppo: 12/12

Today, we, as People in Need, stand in solidarity with the civilians of besieged east Aleppo. Our words are not enough. Our solidarity is not enough. We know this. With no currently operational evacuation route, no hospitals, no fuel, no aid and no functioning water supply for those remaining in east Aleppo, we repeat our calls for the realization of safe evacuation and protection of civilians and bear witness to the bravery of those who have suffered and continue to suffer in the city today.

Over the last 48 hours, as the final battle over Aleppo waged, the remaining 100,000 inhabitants of opposition-held territory were confined into a space of five square kilometres, surrounded by advancing front-lines and under constant threat of shelling and airstrikes. Over the last few days, civilians have been sending their goodbyes; posting messages they fear may be their last. It is haunting, beyond comprehension, to read their words.

Today, with the battle for Aleppo declared over by pro-Government forces, the people of east Aleppo are preparing to be evacuated, but their evacuation has been delayed and there are reports of execution-style killings and continued shelling. Our message to those who have suffered and continue to suffer in east Aleppo is that there will be no such goodbye message from us. To the civilians who now await their fate:

Since July, we could not reach you. But, we did not forget you and we did not stop trying. Your suffering has kept us awake at night; your resilience has kept us at work all week; and the inhumanity of what you have borne witness to will make us strive for justice, peace and accountability for a lifetime.

To the surviving doctors and nurses who have continued to treat the injured despite all the attacks on medical facilities and the lack of equipment; your bravery has not been in vain. Without you there would have been even greater anguish and suffering.

To the aid workers who have risked their lives day in and day out to support and save others; your strength and heart is recognized the world over and you have emboldened others to continue your work.

And to those who have stayed to look after family, friends or have had nowhere else to turn: you will not be forgotten.

Since May, we have seen an abhorrent humanitarian situation go from bad to worse, beyond our very imagination. Like all humanitarian organizations working cross-border from Turkey, People in Need has been prevented from entering the city since early July, prevented from delivering food and other essential supplies to those in need.

At this time, we call again more loudly and with more desperation for the immediate evacuation and the protection of all remaining civilians; men, women and children. On behalf of the civilians of east Aleppo, in one final push, we urge all parties to the conflict and all actors of influence to remember their humanity and save lives.

Words are not enough. It is time for action.

People in Need

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People in Need NGO

Leading NGO in Central Europe. Relief & Development Aid, Education and Human Rights projects in almost 30 countries. http://www.peopleinneed.cz