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Don’t replace, re-equip!

3 min readMay 15, 2018


There is a lot of discussion at the moment regarding the impact that blockchain will have in the recruitment sector. Many are predicting a massive wave of layoffs following the death of recruitment agencies as candidates can get straight to the businesses if their data is all on the blockchain.

I for one do not subscribe to this theory. Certainly, blockchain technology will allow greater levels of trust to be developed between what a candidate says on his CV and the reality. It will also help in the record keeping process and done well it will certainly speed up the recruitment process by eliminating a lot of manual checks and balances.

However, regardless of the integration of blockchain technology, you still need to separate the wheat from the chaff. HR blockchain solutions will allow people to put their information into a system that will allow verification and validation so that companies can trust the information they see. This might not instantly indicate if the candidate is a great performer or even a natural fit for a specific role. That functionality will most likely come from applications that use AI to match a candidate’s blockchain information with the job criteria. This process will need to be done by an intermediary, most likely a company such as a recruitment agency.

Onwards and upwards

This will more effectively build on recruiter’s existing skillsets and further compliment their core role of linking the right people to the right available positions. They can further utilize these tools to automate their processes and enhance productivity.

What a recruitment company does will not change. How they do it on another hand, will be drastically different from what they are today. Those that keep abreast of changes in their industry will be best positioned to leverage the solutions as they become available.

So watch this space for technologies such as Wavebase from Peoplewave that will be putting a candidate’s performance and critical employment data onto the blockchain and automatically getting it validated and verified so that recruitment agencies can use the information in order to find candidates quicker and more efficiently.

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Phil Aldridge

CTO of Peoplewave

About Phil

Phil is a tech and data evangelist with over 25 years’ experience in managing complex tech environments and providing business solutions focused on prescriptive analytics. Starting out in architecture, Phil has a very creative mind which, when applied to the constraints of computer systems, has allowed him to push the boundaries of where business meets technology.

Phil is currently the CTO of Peoplewave and is also a major shareholder of his other business FunctionEight. Prior to this, he was Group and Regional Technology Manager for multiple commercial businesses. Phil is heavily involved in the Entrepreneur and StartUp Scene in Hong Kong and Singapore, advising and mentoring numerous startups. He is also involved

in an active Angel Investment Programme and chairs the SME and Startup Committee of The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. A speaker and panelist on topics from “Cyber Securities Real Impact to Business” to “Data-Driven Decision Making”, Phil is regularly requested to meet with Government Officials and Regulators in Hong Kong to give his insights.

About Peoplewave

Peoplewave is Asia’s leading blockchain-ready HR software company. It is revolutionising people management with data-driven, transparent feedback and verified performance data. Peoplewave offers 3 key products — the “First 100 Days”: a new hire onboarding tool; “Performance Wave”: continuous 360-degree performance appraisals; And the “HR Command Centre” analytics suite, which unlocks employee data and insights.

Peoplewave’s software suite is blockchain-ready — its blockchain platform is called “Wavebase”. Wavebase is a revolutionary platform that provides ongoing verified employee performance information that will change the face of hiring and managing workplace talent.




Peoplewave make great managers. We do this with our revolutionary Employee Relationship Management (“ERM”) platform. See more at www.peoplewave.co