Doubt Your Doubts Before You Doubt Yourself

Your Big Goals Aren’t Out of Reach

Pep Talk Radio
5 min readNov 2, 2023
Photo by Some Tale on Unsplash

Do you ever feel like you’re just not good enough? That little voice of self-doubt holds you back from going after what you really want in life.

We all struggle with confidence from time to time, but you are far more capable than you know!

In this post, I want to inspire you to start believing in yourself. With the right mindset, you can unlock your potential.

Stop Letting Self-Doubt Hold You Back

Self-doubt can be so limiting. It prevents us from even trying to accomplish our dreams because we’ve already decided we can’t do it. Well, I’m here to tell you that you CAN.

Inside each of us is untapped potential just waiting to be discovered. But first, you need to replace those negative voices in your head with uplifting messages of self-belief.

Try saying affirmations like:

  • I can do this!
  • I have unique talents!
  • My skills will continue to grow if I work at it!

A positive mindset really is half the battle. If you think you can succeed, your chances of actually succeeding skyrocket. So be your own cheerleader!

“You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.” — Serena Williams

Make a List of Your Strengths

Often we overlook or take for granted our innate strengths and capabilities. Make a list of things you KNOW you’re good at, no matter how small. Revisit it whenever you’re feeling down.

Seeing concrete proof of your abilities in black and white makes it harder for self-doubt to take hold.

Maybe you have a real knack for baking, you’re an amazing problem solver, or you give the best advice to friends in need. Nothing is too insignificant. Write it down and give yourself credit!

Setting aside dedicated time for self-reflection can help you identify your strengths. Try journaling or meditating on your talents. Which activities energize you? When do you feel happiest and most confident? Leverage these insights to grow.

“One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others.” — Walt Disney

Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate Small Wins

Having big dreams for your future success is great, but make sure you also set realistic short-term goals. Don’t expect instant perfection!

Give yourself permission to make mistakes and fail sometimes. It’s all part of the journey.

Focus on incremental improvements rather than the end result. Break a huge goal down into bite-sized milestones. Each step forward will build your confidence and motivation to keep going.

Don’t forget to celebrate when you achieve one of your mini-goals! Recognizing your progress keeps you from feeling overwhelmed.

Take the example of losing 50 pounds through improved diet and exercise. Setting a single goal to lose all 50 pounds is daunting. But setting smaller goals like losing 5 pounds per month over 10 months makes it much more manageable.

Celebrate each small weight loss milestone, like buying yourself a new outfit after the first 5 pounds. This keeps you motivated! Eventually, all those smaller successes will add up to the bigger achievement.

“I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” — Michael Jordan

Learn To Trust Your Own Judgment

Do you constantly second-guess your decisions or seek excessive validation from others? This habit likely stems from self-doubt. Practice listening to your OWN inner voice above anyone else’s opinion. Check in with how you genuinely feel about your progress or capabilities.

Other people won’t always see your potential or understand your unique process. But YOU know your own abilities better than anyone.

Trust your instincts and don’t give so much power away to external voices. You are your best advocate!

If a new career move feels right for you, don’t let self-doubt or fear hold you back. Trust that you know what’s best for your fulfillment and growth. The most successful people believe in their own judgment.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” — Steve Jobs

Know Your Limits

Here’s an important disclaimer — self-belief does not mean taking dangerous risks or acting invincible. Be honest with yourself about your current limitations so you don’t jeopardize your health, finances, or relationships.

Set ambitious yet realistic goals that align with your experience level and values.

Pushing too far past your comfort zone can backfire. Build confidence gradually by taking on challenges just outside your reach. Know when to say no if something feels off or scary in a bad way.

Listen to your gut instinct — it usually alerts you when something is unsafe or unwise for you at the moment. Don’t override it just to prove something to yourself or others.

True self-belief means respecting your limits while still believing you can eventually expand them.

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it.” — Muhammad Ali

Retrain Your Mind and Stop Underestimating Yourself

At the end of the day, YOU determine your own limits based on your mindset. If you constantly underestimate what you can handle or accomplish, no one will believe in you until you believe in yourself first.

It starts with retraining your mental self-talk. Stop the patterns of negative thinking and self-criticism. Replace doubt with positive affirmations of your abilities. Expand your sense of possibility instead of placing self-imposed restrictions.

Success often comes down to believing you can, and then having the courage to take that first step.

Break the habit of delaying action due to self-doubt. Push yourself to try, even when you don’t feel ready. You’ll never know your limits until you test them!

Don’t just dream about that new business, book idea, or creative passion project — start working towards it bit by bit. Allow yourself to stumble, learn tough lessons, and grow your confidence over time.

The magic happens when you move past fear of failure and start actively building the life you envision.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” — Marianne Williamson

The only thing truly holding you back is your own belief in yourself. But you have so much untapped potential just waiting to unfold.

I hope this post inspires you to start believing in your own inner magic. You are stronger, wiser, and more talented than you realize.

Now get out there and start achieving those big dreams! The path to self-belief starts with a single step.

