Lowell Science and Outreach at AAS Meeting

Lowell Observatory
1 min readJan 5, 2016

Today marks the first full day of activities at the 227th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Kissimmee, Florida, and Lowell staff have hit the ground running. Lowell astronomers are busy attending presentations and catching up with colleagues while outreach and communications staff speak with attendees at a Lowell information booth.

Director Jeff Hall, Deputy Director for Science Michael West, and Astronomer Gerard Van Belle lead the Lowell scientific contingency, joined by adjunct astronomer Evgenya Shkolnik, post-docs Alma Ruiz-Velasco and Tom Allen, pre-doc Victor Garcia, recent post-doc Joe Llama (pictured here), and several research associates. Communications Manager Josh Bangle, Outreach Supervisor Emily Bevins, and Historian Kevin Schindler round out the Lowell team, staffing the booth.

This morning, Schindler gave a presentation outlining the history and recent renovation of the Clark Telescope and Llama shared his research about exoplanet transits. Ruiz and Van Belle presented a poster about Mira Variable stars.

The meeting continues for another four days so Lowell staff will stay busy discussing our research and outreach opportunities to the 2300 attendees.



Lowell Observatory

A private, non-profit institution dedicated to astronomical research and outreach. Lowell's newest telescope is the 4.3-meter Discovery Channel Telescope.