Why visual context matters for commercial fleets

Peregrine Technologies
3 min readSep 21, 2020


Leveraging innovation for safer and more efficient operations

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s clear to see that delivery services are being used by consumers more than ever before. From food, to packages, delivery services have quickly been thrust into the spotlight within the transportation and mobility industry. And with this new fame comes an increased market growth rate that is providing commercial fleets with new opportunities to scale, branch out, and take advantage of an expanded market.

With more delivery demand, there is an increased need for commercial fleets to provide extensive delivery services that continue to meet the needs and expectations of today’s consumers. With more trucks on the road, there also is an increased need for safety precautions that ensure the safety of drivers, pedestrians, and commercial fleet operators.

Remember, it’s not only commercial fleets that are feeling this — even car sharing, ride hailing, ride pooling, etc. are growing. How exactly can fleet operators ensure that they’re taking the right precautions?

Telematics & Fleet Management Software

To answer that question, most commercial fleets rely on their telematics service provider and their chosen fleet management software to keep their drivers and pedestrians safe. Their TSP will build upon things like GPS data, acceleration and deceleration values, and related insights to understand what’s going on during a delivery service. However, they don’t paint the whole picture.

More recently, commercial fleet operators have mandated the use of dash cams. And while these dash cams have been proven useful in cases that involve accidents and driver error, they still don’t provide commercial fleet operators with the detailed insights they need to really know how and why things are happening on the road.

The Peregrine Difference

Here at Peregrine, we’re providing commercial fleet operators with advanced, ground-breaking video analytics systems built on computer vision and AI technologies to make vehicle operations safer for all parties involved. Our system empowers fleets through a unique approach to score and train their professional drivers to ensure that our roads are safer than before — even when the demand for delivery service is at its highest.

We believe that the increasingly competitive environment for commercial fleets makes it necessary to have the very best tools at your disposal to make the most out of every ride. Through our state of the art AI-based solution, you can keep your fleet protected and ensure better business today, tomorrow, and well into the future.

Gain automated insights directly from our computer vision systems to help you better analyze your drivers’ decisions while on the road. From there, teach and train them, and equip them with the knowledge needed to pave the way for safer driving practices.

Remember, less accidents means less claims, less costs, and more satisfied customers.

To learn more about Peregrine, pay our website a visit and see everything that we have to offer.

