Watch Together, Earn Together.

You Know What’s Really Rewarding? Your Referral Network!
2 min readFeb 18, 2019


We’ve added so many sharable videos to!

What Makes Videos So Addicting?

Neuroscience has shown that watching videos floods the brain with dopamine, the chemical associated with feeling rewarded. And we like being rewarded. This same chemical makes us crave food, helps us learn, and motivates us to do our daily tasks. So what is it about videos that we find so satisfying? Is it the endless variety, the act of discovery, or the community that you watch with? Team Permission thinks it’s the latter. believes that sharing video content with friends and family (and the other way around) is the most rewarding part of watching videos. If you have ever shared a video with your friends just to make them laugh or received a heartwarming video that brightened your day, then you know exactly what we’re talking about.

Our New Refer & Earn Program Rewards You EVERY TIME Your Friends Watch

Every time someone in your network logs in to Permission and watches our great video content, you earn , too!

We’ve added lots of new content, raised ASK rewards, and included fun new features to help you keep track of all that ASK your network is helping you earn.

Log in now and start growing your network!



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