Perry Gruber
2 min readMar 28, 2019


Hi Wes,

Thanks for the thoughtful, well-written reply. We understand and appreciate your perspectives and perspectives of those like you. Sad certainly is the state some conservatives are in. Others are mourning. Others are afraid. Others are angry. Others are confused. Others want vengeance. Others want to do harm. And some are hopeful.

All of that can’t overshadow what we know to be. That humanity will be better off in the future. We understand those who agree with you do not see that yet. But it’s a truism that humanity has steadily improved. And not just in the United States. Yes, capitalism has had a hand in that. But a far broader and more compassionate force has played a far larger and overwhelming role: what you may call “god”. What we call Infinite Intelligence. Which is what each element of physical matter embodies.

You’re right. There is a difference between an allowance and an income. What will ultimately replace “incomes” is not an allowance, however. It is much more akin to what Andrew Yang calls a “dividend”. It is a share of the great wealth this nation now represents. Wealth every American, no matter how lazy some might judge them to be, deserve as Americans. As humans.

To us, it’s similar to wealth represented by the planet’s plenty, including the sunlight, the air, the land on which we walk and grow our food from, the trees and rocks and medicines derived from this planet’s abundance…none of which you, nor we “earned”. All of which we receive in our natural grace.

“Earning” is a brutal expectation leveled by people who live lives as hypocrites. What have we humans done to earn the sun’s energy, or the air we breathe or the ground we walk upon? What have we done to earn the heart that beats in our chests or the lungs we fill with our breath? Or the intelligence we use as we try to do our best in our lives?

Infinite Intelligence doesn’t agree humanity must “earn” anything. Finally, humanity’s civilization is inching closer to What Is in all reality except the human one: that all that is asked for is given, freely, compassionately and out of love. To everyone. Conservatives too. Even though they think they have earned it or deserve. It’s not because you deserve it. It’s not because you earn it. It’s because you live in grace. Like every instance of matter.

This is what Jesus meant when he talks about God’s Kingdom coming to Earth.

The good news is, as with all grieving, in the end everything works out. For everyone. Not only will progressives win. Conservatives will too.

We’re in the best of times. And it’s only going to get better.

Peace to you Wes O’Dell. And thanks again for the kind, compassionate, thoughtful, intelligent and yet direct, most respective conservative response we’ve read so far.

