girl/woman sad, depressed and anxious sitting alone at bench
Picture from Pixabay

Jessica’s Journey with Mental Health

25 min readJul 12, 2024

Mental health, you know, it’s like this ongoing trip that a bunch of us take, usually without saying much about it to anyone else. And here’s Jessica’s deal with all that. It’s her own personal ride, but she’s cool with sharing it because she thinks maybe it’ll hit home with some folks who are going through their own tough times. It’s been a wild ride for her, with some really low lows and some pretty high highs, over the years.

Jessica’s had to deal with her mental health for a while, and let me tell you, it wasn’t always a walk in the park. But she picked up some serious life lessons along the way about sticking it out and being kind to herself. She figured out that it’s totally cool to not be cool all the time, and asking for a hand when you need it is actually pretty badass.

So, Jessica’s putting her story out there, hoping it’ll make some people feel a little less alone in their own battles. Because, you know what? Sometimes talking about it can be the bravest thing you can do. And she wants everyone to know that even when things look really bleak, there’s always a glimmer of hope around the corner. Jessica’s story is like proof that even when you’re going through the wringer, you’ve got the strength inside to keep pushing forward.




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