Big Rock Candy Mountain

Pesky Pippi
1 min readOct 9, 2018


Cotton candy 3x the size of his head.

He was the happiest boy that day. A carnival with all-you-can-eat cotton candy, fluffed 3x the size of your head. For a three-year-old, it was his paradise.

For a train-hopping hobo during the Depression, paradise was cigarette trees and where the cops have wooden legs and the hens lay soft-boiled eggs.

My now 13-year-old son and I love the movie O, Brother Where Art Thou? and its soundtrack. Whenever we hear Big Tock Candy Mountain, we talk about what our paradise is.

I think mine is spending time with my sweet son.



Pesky Pippi

Big heart, 3 big kids, big dog. Instagram: @PeskyPippi