Go, Dog, Do!

Pesky Pippi
2 min readAug 9, 2019


My dog is definitely epic.

I have a dog. A very good dog. A very big dog. A very happy dog. A very good, big, and happy dog.

The other day, I stopped into our neighborhood veterinary clinic to pick up more heart worm prevention medicine for my dog. My husband was waiting outside with him.

A woman sitting in the waiting area called out to me, “Are you the one I see running with a big yellow dog every day?”

Yeah, he’s right outside…and I pointed to our big guy. I waved to him.

She goes on, “I don’t know how you do it, running up all those hills. I’m inspired!” I smiled and told her that my dog helps pull me. I mean, he’s 116 lbs. and strong — he is kind of an athlete.

My dog and I traveled nearly 1,000 miles together last year. One step at a time, one mile at a time. He never complains, even in the rain, even when I am slow up a hill. I never complain, carrying his poop bag, letting him stop to sniff 10 times. We are a good pair. Every morning, we do our thing — and whaddya know — we have (also) made a positive impact on others. Go health! Go inspiration! Go, dog, go!



Pesky Pippi

Big heart, 3 big kids, big dog. Instagram: @PeskyPippi