Street Photography 101: Be a FishermanI’ve never really seen the point of fishing as a hobby. It seems to involve lots of standing around waiting, often in ‘variable’ weather…Jul 3, 2022Jul 3, 2022
Street Photography 101: What’s in a Name?Should you add a name or title to your photograph or should you leave it to the viewer to interpret what your image is about and come to…Jun 26, 2022Jun 26, 2022
Street Photography 101: Use the Right GearHow can I write a post about what the ‘right’ gear is for street photography when there is obviously so much gear out there that it is…Jun 25, 2022Jun 25, 2022
Street Photography 101: Should I Take That Picture?Street photography is primarily about making images of people in their surroundings. Usually these are in our cities and towns but they…Jun 24, 20221Jun 24, 20221
Street Photography 101: Preset your cameraWhen you are walking the streets, all the while looking for an image making opportunity, the last thing you want to do is have to fiddle…Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Published inBootcampMy take on Web3 and THAT letterWeb3 is getting quite a hammering from a number of leading computer scientists, will it survive?Jun 6, 2022Jun 6, 2022
Street Photography 101: Always Carry a Camera With YouIn his book Think Like a Street Photographer Matt Stuart makes this observation:Jun 4, 2022Jun 4, 2022
Street Photography 101: Use JuxtapositionI am relatively new to street photography by which I mean, I have been ‘dabbling’ for a few years but never really taken it seriously…Jun 2, 2022Jun 2, 2022
Five Photography Truisms That May Not Be… TrueRules, rules, rules. We all look for them to help guide us, especially when setting out in a new profession, project or personal endeavour…Feb 6, 20201Feb 6, 20201
A Stream of Photographic ConsciousnessThis seemed like a good idea so I thought I would capture my own stream of (photographic) consciousness made on a wet afternoon in…Nov 10, 20191Nov 10, 20191