Character Analysis-Of-Laertes-In-William-Shakespeares (Essay Example)

Peter Atanasoff
2 min readJul 2, 2024


Laertes, the son of Polonius in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, is portrayed as a complex and multifaceted character who plays a crucial role in the tragic events that unfold in the play. Laertes is driven by a strong sense of loyalty to his family, particularly to his sister Ophelia, and his father Polonius. However, his loyalty is often overshadowed by his hot-headedness and desire for vengeance, which ultimately leads to his downfall. One of the key traits of Laertes is his unwavering loyalty to his family. When he learns of his father’s death at the hands of Hamlet, he is consumed by grief and anger. Despite his initial desire for revenge, Laertes remains loyal to his family and seeks justice for his father’s murder. This loyalty is also evident in his interactions with Ophelia, whom he warns to be cautious in her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes’ protective nature towards his sister highlights his commitment to his family and his desire to keep them safe from harm. However, Laertes’ loyalty is often overshadowed by his impulsive and vengeful nature. When he is manipulated by Claudius into seeking revenge against Hamlet, Laertes becomes consumed by his desire for vengeance. He agrees to a plan that involves poisoning a blade that will be used in a duel against Hamlet, showing that his desire for revenge has clouded his judgment. This impulsive decision ultimately leads to his own demise, as he is killed by the poisoned blade he intended for Hamlet. In conclusion, Laertes is a character in Hamlet who embodies a complex mix of loyalty, impulsiveness, and desire for vengeance. While his loyalty to his family is admirable, his impulsive nature and desire for revenge ultimately lead to his downfall. Through the character of Laertes, Shakespeare explores the dangers of unchecked emotions and the consequences of acting on impulse. Laertes serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive power of revenge and the importance of tempering one’s emotions with reason.


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