Summary Of-The-Documentary-Stealing-Africa (Essay Example)

Peter Atanasoff
2 min readJun 24, 2024


The documentary “Stealing Africa” delves into the complex issues surrounding the extraction of natural resources in Africa and the impact it has on local communities. The film highlights how multinational corporations, often in collaboration with corrupt government officials, exploit Africa’s vast mineral wealth while leaving local populations in poverty. One of the key points made in the documentary is the stark contrast between the immense wealth generated from Africa’s resources and the dire living conditions faced by many Africans. The film follows the story of the Zambian copper industry, one of the largest in Africa, and how multinational corporations like Glencore profit from the country’s resources while paying minimal taxes and royalties. Despite the vast profits made by these corporations, the local communities see little benefit, with infrastructure and social services severely lacking. The documentary showcases the stark inequality between the wealthy elite and the impoverished majority, shedding light on the systemic issues that perpetuate this cycle of exploitation and poverty. “Stealing Africa” also explores the role of tax havens and corporate tax evasion in draining resources from African countries. By setting up complex financial structures and shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions, multinational corporations avoid paying their fair share of taxes in the countries where they operate. This deprives African governments of much-needed revenue that could be used to invest in education, healthcare, and infrastructure for their citizens. The film argues that addressing tax evasion and ensuring that corporations pay their fair share is crucial in combating the resource curse plaguing many African countries. In conclusion, “Stealing Africa” offers a compelling look into the exploitation of Africa’s natural resources and the detrimental impact it has on local communities. The documentary serves as a call to action to address the systemic issues that perpetuate this cycle of exploitation and poverty. By holding multinational corporations and corrupt governments accountable, and by promoting transparency and fair taxation, there is hope for a more equitable and sustainable future for Africa and its people.


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