The Future of Fair Media: Transparency and Innovation with MILC

Petra Engelking
8 min readFeb 2, 2024

How Hendrik Hey, the Inventor of ‘Welt der Wunder,’ is Revolutionizing the Media Landscape

MILC – The Future of Fair Media

For many, Hendrik Hey is the face behind the popular knowledge magazine “Welt der Wunder,” synonymous with captivating stories and scientific curiosity. But behind this public figure lies a man with many facets: a seasoned journalist, a creative producer, a dynamic entrepreneur, and above all, the visionary mind behind “MILC,” a groundbreaking digital platform for creative content. Hendrik Hey represents a career that cannot be confined to conventional paths — a life story marked by unexpected twists, fueled by insatiable curiosity, a deep passion for storytelling, and the firm belief that there is always a way up.

With “MILC,” Hey has now embarked on a new chapter that redefines the boundaries between media, technology, and creativity. “MILC,” short for “Media Industry Licensing Content,” is more than just a platform — it is its own world. A metaverse aimed at revolutionizing the exchange and licensing of creative content through the innovative use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. “MILC” reflects Hey’s unwavering belief in the power of innovation and his ability to actively shape the future of media. In the interview, Hendrik Hey provides insights into his visions, the driving forces behind his work, and the prospects he sees for “MILC” and the media industry in general.

Mastermind behind MILC: Hendrik Hey (PR)

1. Hendrik, could you explain the concept behind “MILC” and what you aim to achieve with this platform?
Hendrik Hey (HH):
We believe that media will need to undergo significant changes soon, and perhaps they should. When we began our transformation process back in 2017, our goal was to proactively address the new challenges. The new 3-dimensional internet, known as the metaverse, enables real interactions between us content creators and our users for the first time, while artificial intelligence allows creativity at an entirely different level. Tokenization and blockchain technology enable lightning-fast transfer of values, such as licenses, and eliminate many intermediaries, and so on. We wanted to develop an efficient, transparent, and accessible platform for global media professionals, users, and advertisers that incorporates all these new technologies and makes them available to our partners. We already launched our first metaverse in 2021 and have been developing it further ever since. You could say that we are now considered international pioneers in the field of Web 3, with the advantage of having already implemented everything that is currently being talked about in practice.

2. How did the idea of integrating blockchain technology into “MILC” come about, and what benefits do you see for the media industry as a result?
A core theme of the blockchain movement is the elimination of so-called “middlemen,” third parties that unnecessarily increase costs and complexity in processes. The media industry, in particular, is highly opaque and makes it challenging for smaller players. Blockchain technology provides us with the opportunity to make rights, content, and the underlying transactions transparent and secure — globally and in real-time. This allows us to revolutionize the media industry by providing a trustworthy, decentralized, and fair marketplace.

In the midst of it all, not just on the sidelines in the “MILC” metaverse

3. What were the biggest challenges you encountered in the development and launch of “MILC,” and how did you overcome them?
Actually, blockchain technology is quite simple and straightforward, and therefore, very efficient. It can be used in many industrial applications. In our case, it’s licensing trade. In other cases, it’s logistical issues or contracts and property rights. However, it’s important to always emphasize that it is much more than the cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin that are frequently discussed. Cryptocurrencies are just blockchain applications and represent only a part of their functionality. Some education is still needed in this regard.

4. How do you see the role of the metaverse in the future of the media world, and what position will “MILC” occupy in it?
The metaverse will fundamentally change the way we consume and communicate. The internet is becoming inevitably three-dimensional and interactive, bringing it much closer to our reality. The MILC platform is the first metaverse application dedicated to the media sector. It is a large marketplace or open infrastructure where media partners can collaborate for their users in the future, essentially a theme park for all kinds of content. We hope that with this very clear use case, we can play a key role, as we want to demonstrate together with our partners the advantages of interactivity and three-dimensionality.

5. How do you believe “MILC” will impact the global media market, especially in terms of licensing?
The MILC platform has the potential to revolutionize the global media market by simplifying and democratizing the licensing trade. This will be particularly beneficial to small and independent content creators who will have easier access to a global market. It also provides a place where media users can have direct access to the global media market to, for example, directly assist media producers in financing their content. At the same time, entirely new content will be created here that aligns with the future possibilities of the metaverse and creates entirely new formats and forms of expression. As I mentioned earlier, it is time for media to change and directly cater to the wishes of their users and interact with them transparently.

Show your work — easy like that in “MILC”

6. What role do cryptocurrencies play in “MILC,” and how do they contribute to realizing your vision?
Our own cryptocurrency, “MLT” (Media Licensing Token), is an integral part of the MILC platform, as it provides a fast, secure, and cross-border payment option. It allows us to build a global network where everyone can easily trade. It enables the direct exchange of value between buyers and sellers without intermediaries that unnecessarily increase costs and delays in processes. In addition, the secondary market provides the opportunity for a community actively supporting projects to earn a passive income.

7. How does “MILC” ensure transparency and fairness in licensing, and why are these aspects so important for the industry?
Transparency and fairness in licensing are crucial aspects to strengthen trust among stakeholders in the media industry. MILC uses blockchain technology to ensure these characteristics. Each license transaction is recorded in a decentralized ledger accessible to all parties through the blockchain. This means that once a transaction is completed and recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This process ensures the authenticity of each transaction. Furthermore, blockchain technology enables the implementation of smart contracts. These self-executing contracts automate the licensing trade and reduce the need for intermediaries. Once the conditions set in the smart contract, such as the payment of the agreed price, are met, the license is automatically transferred. This not only reduces transaction costs but also increases the speed and efficiency of the trading process.

8. Regardless of “MILC,” what advice would you give to young innovators interested in blockchain and the metaverse in the media industry?
We are currently experiencing a time of groundbreaking change. Blockchain, the metaverse, and artificial intelligence are fundamentally transforming the internet and the World Wide Web as we know it. For young innovators in the blockchain and metaverse world, I recommend staying curious and keeping up with the ever-evolving technologies. It is also important to keep the big picture in mind — how their innovations can impact the world. Additionally, we are witnessing a strong trend coming from the “Old Economy.” Many solid small and medium-sized enterprises are considering their own tokenization. Since we have already gone through this process, we are often consulted to assist these companies in their journey. Of course, the move into the metaverse is also very interesting for businesses, regardless of their size. Here, too, we support many projects that rely on our experience.

Hendrik Hey’s advice to young innovators: “Stay curious!” e.g. with exploring new worlds like “MILC”

9. How can blockchain technology actually help journalists, and how do you see their future in an increasingly digitized media landscape?
The integration of blockchain technology in journalism offers significant advantages in the fight against fake news and censorship while also protecting the safety of journalists and informants. The immutability and transparency of the blockchain can authenticate content, making it more difficult to spread fake news. Censorship is made more challenging by the decentralized nature of the blockchain, as no central authority can arbitrarily remove or manipulate content. The ability to remain anonymous while sharing credible information is crucial for journalists and informants to operate without fear of reprisals. Using cryptocurrencies for transactions not only enhances security through anonymity but also enables fast, cross-border payments without the limitations of traditional banking systems. This promotes the free flow of information and supports independent reporting worldwide.

10. What motivates you to continuously lead in media innovation, and do you have any further plans?
Throughout my career as a journalist and media entrepreneur, I have always strived to push the boundaries of what’s possible and actively shape the media landscape. From building the first digital news radio to developing successful formats like “What Really Happened?” and “World of Wonders,” my mission has always been to balance quality and entertainment. It has been important for me to always consider the audience and integrate modern technologies. My goal is to continue pioneering and developing platforms that are not only informative and entertaining but also set ethical standards and have a positive impact on society. Ultimately, it’s about having a sustainable and meaningful influence on the media world while exploring new ways to address the challenges and opportunities of the digital era. With the MILC platform, we have created a huge playground for new technologies and content, and I am confident that it won’t be boring in the years to come.

About Hendrik Hey
• Born on January 4, 1965, in Hamburg
• Studied German Studies, Politics, and Journalism in Berlin
• Began his career at the Berlin radio station 100.6. Reporter for ARD Radio and founding editor of the first private news channel, Info Radio 101
• Reporter for various German TV channels
• Investigative editor for SAT.1’s “Akut”
• Developer and producer of the documentary series “What Really Happened?”
• Since 1996, Head of the “Welt der Wunder” project at ProSieben
• Founder of the production company “Welt der Wunder” (1998)
• Launch of “Welt der Wunder TV” (2013)
• Founder of MILC (Media Industry Licensing Content)
• Innovator in the use of 3D animations and blockchain in television

About the Author
Petra Engelking,
Co-Founder of Together.Partners, is a seasoned PR expert, bridging traditional strategies with Web3 innovations. With over two decades in public relations and brand storytelling, her talent lies in transforming complex technical concepts into engaging narratives. Her expertise covers blockchain, cryptocurrencies, Metaverse, and NFTs, enhanced by completing ‘NFT & The Metaverse’ at the University of Nicosia and participating in Frankfurt School’s DLT-Talent program. Petra’s belief in storytelling’s power guides her approach, crafting inspiring narratives for both startups and established firms, making her a pivotal figure in the evolving digital landscape.

This piece is a product of my involvement in the mentoring program at the Frankfurt School of Blockchain. The DLT Talents program aimes to empower women leaders in the realms of Distributed Ledger Technology, blockchain, defi, and the token economy.



Petra Engelking

Web3 + Communications Expert | Co-Founder of Together.Partners | Columnist & Speaker