How to Avoid Neck and Back Pain From Computer and Technology Use

Steve Petrak
2 min readNov 13, 2017


Computers and phones are part of every day for the majority of people. A new phenomenon, aptly referred to as “tech neck”, neck pain resulting from constantly staring downward at phones and laptops, is becoming increasingly prevalent. Improper posture is all-too- common, especially in office/desk jobs where the majority of your day is spent staring at a screen. There are steps
you can take to improve your posture and mitigate neck and back pain caused by technology use.

One of the worst things you can do is spend 8+ hours per day planted in an uncomfortable chair, hunched over a computer screen and every so often looking down at your phone. Over time, this will lead to back pain, neck pain, nerve issues, injury to the vertebrae, tension headaches and more. A simple fix you can implement is to keep your computer screen(s) at eye-level. Put your laptop on top of something or get a raisable desk. This way, you aren’t
hunched over, shoulders rolled forward all day.

Stretch and Walk
Every hour or so, take just 2 or 3 minutes to stand up, stretch, and perhaps go for a little walk. Move around a bit to get the endorphins flowing and to relieve tension and muscle soreness. In a recent blog post, I covered some simple daily stretches that are doable at your desk — they’re guaranteed to improve your spinal health. Read about them here.

Don’t Play Games with Your Throne
Your desk chair is like your throne. You’ll spend the majority of your work hours in it, so it’s not an expense to skimp out on. Invest in a supportive chair that won’t harm your spinal health. Keeping your head and neck flush with a chair’s headrest is an easy way to ensure that you’re maintaining good posture while you work. Sit up straight and tall at a height that allows your elbows to bend ninety degrees, relaxed, while typing on your keyboard and using your mouse.

If you start feeling pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs, back or neck, it’s time to see a chiropractor. They’ll help relieve current pain and will consult with you to improve your lifestyle, avoiding future pain. I focus on a results-oriented, modern approach to chiropractic care and can help with a myriad of problems. Schedule a consultation today to take the first steps in improving your health.

