10 Winning Tips To Impress Romanian Women

Elena Petrova
3 min readOct 18, 2016


Dating women from other countries is an exciting way to learn a new culture, as well as experience something different than what you are used to in local romances. There is always something exotic about courting a lady who was born overseas. Men who tried dating a Romanian woman can definitely say it was different to connections with local females.

10 Tips to Impress Romanian women

While there are some differences in how you court Romanian ladies with the usual way of starting a relationship, there are commonalities as well. Respect, kindness, and good manners are great helpers always.

1. Find out about Romania.

Romania is a country in the South-East of Europe with the population around 20 million people. The most famous personage with Romanian roots is Dracula. Spend half an hour reading what you can about this country, and it will pay in a big way.

2. Learn a few phrases in Romanian.

Yes, Romania has its own language. If you are in contact with Romanian girls, they will be certainly excited if you greet them in their own dialect. It also shows respect and good manners.

3. Learn about her home town.

In addition to finding out about her country, discover a few facts relating to her home town. The largest city in Romania is Bucharest, its capital. There also picturesque lovely places on the coast of the Black Sea.

4. Stay on the traditional side.

Girls from Eastern Europe tend to be more traditional than women who grew up in America or countries of Western Europe. This means she would prefer a longer courtship to a quick hook up. If you hope for a serious relationship or maybe you are thinking of meeting Romanian women for marriage, then avoid pressing for physical contact during the first dates. It’s okay if the woman makes the first move, but try not to push for too much physical closeness early on, or she may think you are only after her body. Girls from Romania are rather pleased if you take it slow than worried about your not being attracted to her.

5. Impress her friends and family.

Girls from more traditional countries listen a lot to what their friends and family think about a guy. Because families are more important, a lady will rarely decide to be in a long run with a man her relatives do not approve. If you are invited to visit a Romanian home, bring some small presents with you such as a bottle of wine and a bunch of flowers for the hostess.

6. Don’t confuse Romanian and Russian women.

Probably because of similarities in the name of nationalities, sometimes people confuse Romanian and Russian women. In fact, these are two completely different nations. Although there are some Russian women who live in Europe, the language and culture are very different. Romania is close culturally to Moldova, which is also a republic of the former Soviet Union.

7. Dress better.

As all Eastern Europeans girls, Romanian ladies tend to dress up. They like to look feminine and stylish. You are supposed to match her smart attire. The best tip if you are dating a hot Romanian woman is to upgrade your wardrobe to a current fashionable style. It’s not hard: Simply go a good department store and ask a shop assistant for help.

8. Be generous with compliments.

If a lady spent an hour on making herself look beautiful, she’d like to know you have noticed.

9. Gifts are welcome.

Just like in case with other Eastern European ladies (Russian, Ukrainian, etc), girls from Romania are used to getting small presents from admirers. Flowers work for girls of all these nations. I know, western ladies would think there is something wrong with you if you brought flowers on your first date but not Eastern Europeans!

10. Be a gentleman.

Remember to open doors, move chairs, and hold her coat for her to slip in when you are going out together. Offer her your arm to hold onto, if she is wearing high heels. Gallantry is highly valued by Romania’s ladies



Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova is a dating coach with 17 years of experience. She is a Certified Life Coach and Trainer of NLP with a degree in Philosophy.