Your Email Strategy Is Driving Your Customers Away

Phil Masiello
4 min readJun 13, 2017

Email marketing remains a primary conversion weapon in the digital marketer’s toolbox. Compared to other digital marketing tools, it can be the most effective and efficient form of online marketing.

Email marketing is convenient, target oriented and cost effective. The Return on Investment (ROI) is higher compared to social media marketing, or other forms of digital marketing.

However, most brands are single focused with their email strategy. To keep the sales engine moving, they may be hurting their sales and losing their most loyal customers by increasing unsubscribe rates.

Most brands continue to use email as a one-way communication channel to their customers. But email is more than sending a continuous flow of deals and offers to your existing customer base. Especially since most consumer inboxes are flooded with email offers and newsletters every day.

When used correctly, email marketing should be a retention builder, engagement tool, content distributor and referral vehicle. What you need is creativity behind the email wheel. You need a strategy for your email program to stand out from the other brands and reach your customers on a deeper level

How Should I Use Email Marketing?

Email marketing has to be part of your overall digital marketing mix. And you need to have a strategy for it. The best brand marketers have an email calendar planned out for the year.

Using email solely for the purpose of generating revenue is a missing the bigger picture.

Here are a few ways to use email marketing effectively as a sales building, engagement and retention marketing tool.

Develop A Relationship With Your Customers

Consumers Inboxes are overflowing with offers, deals, newsletters, and communications. The average person only reads 53% of the emails they receive. They make their decision based on the subject line and the sender. So respect your users time and have something relevant to say.

If you are a consumer brand sending sale emails for specific products, take the time to focus on the benefits of your product. Give your user information, not just a discount. Always answer this question before pushing send. Why should customers buy from me over my competitor? Reinforce this message in your email. Use emails and social media together.

Launching New Products

Email marketing can be used to introduce a new product or service in the market. If you have a database of customers, then prepare a list and present your product with creative and appealing content. It is important to use a semantic message in your subject to increase the value of your product. Semantic messages tend to persuade the user to buy the product. They are different than standard promotional messages and intrigue the user emotionally. For example, instead of promoting your product by mentioning ‘50% Discount on Footwear’, use messages such as ‘Comfort your feet this summer for 50% less’.

Creating Brand Awareness

Email marketing serves as an important tool for creating brand awareness. When you need to introduce your new business in the industry, email marketing is the best option available. With effective content and attractive aspects, email marketing would be highly effective in creating awareness about your business and its products and services.

Generate Traffic to Your Website

Many websites engage in digital promotion to increase traffic and converting leads into sales. Email marketing can be used as a tool for redirecting traffic to your website. You can use engaging banners in your emails, redirecting them to your website to increase traffic.

Upselling to Your Customers

Email marketing is highly effective in upselling to your customers. Once you sell a product or service to a customer, you can promote other products that they may like as well. Using the right strategy with semantic marketing techniques, you can increase your sales by upselling to the existing customers and increase brand loyalty.

Customer Feedback and Review

Email marketing can serve as a tool for generating customer feedback and reviews. Once you sell a product or render a service to your customer, send an email requesting them to rate the overall experience. Make it easy for them to rate you by including the link to where you want them to provide the feedback.

For Improving Marketing Strategy

Your existing customers are the best source of information on what you are doing right and what you need to improve your business. Don’t be shy about using email to get that information. But use email wisely for this purpose. Make it clear that these customers are your best and you value them and their opinion. And compensate them for their time with a discount or gift.

Using email gives your customers the freedom to express themselves.

With so many brands relying on email to support their sales, consumers are getting overwhelmed. To make sure you don’t lose your core customer base, take a step back and strategize emails differently.

Give your customers information to inspire and educate. Use email to form a bond and engage with your customers. Retention is the key driver to a successful email program.



Phil Masiello

Philip Masiello, Author of Think-Engage-Thrive! Marketing | Founder Hound Dog Digital Marketing | Entrepreneur | Amazon Selling Expert | Mentor to Startups