Turkey is Bombing Civilian Infrastructure in NSyria — Announces its war crimes in advance!

6 min readOct 7, 2023


This is the start of a major excalation of Turkeys illegal invasion of Northern Syria as of 05 Oct 2023. Targeting civilian infrastructure is a recognised war crime under UN conventions. Turkey announced its intentions to commit these war crimes to the international community on the 4th of October in a statement. The international community was silent and the bombing campaign began. What follows is the descrpition of events over the last 48hours in the words of some of the respected and verified people/ orgs associated with and/or on the ground in N E Syria.

50 air strikes and bombings. 2 Covid hospitals razed to the ground. Attacks near IDP camps causing mass exodus of NGOs and humanitarian orgs. Water sanitation and electrical plants targeted placing the entire Kurdish region in literal darkness.— @HawzhinAzeez

Photos taken 06 Oct 2023 of Turkish Bombing in Rojava

Turkey is adopting a scorched earth policy against our regions. It is carrying out its hatred against an oppressed people who have suffered from the scourge of war. It has targeted dozens of public facilities, civil infrastructure, and electric power and oil stations.

The Turkish occupation state bombed 29 sites and villages, 5 electricity conversion stations, 7 oil sites, 2 water and gas conversion stations, and the Jal Agha Dam, northeastern Syria. As a result, 6 citizens were killed and 12 others were injured — @PYD_Rojava

Images of the destroyed covid hospital near Derik Syria

Journalist Wladimir Van Wilgenburg @vvanwilgenburg reposts the pictures on 6th October 2023 (seen above) of the Covid-19 hospital locqated near Derik destroyed by Turkish planes. Original photos by Farhad Shami head of SDF media ( SDF are partners with US forces in their ongoing battle with ISIS)

File photo: Syrian Defense Forces conduct a live fire exercise alongside U.S soldiers in Syria (Photo: Spc. William Gore/U.S. Army)

Farhad continues to post:

Many humanitarian international organizations, such as Human Rights, Amnesty, and Red Crescent, confirm in their agreements and covenants that deliberately targeting the populated areas and civic service facilities that provide livelihood for people, amounts to war crimes…@farhad_shami

The Targeting of the city of Kobané is particularily sinister since Kobané was the last stand of the Kurdish people against so called Islamic State in 2014. Images of the Kurdish womens self defence forces YPJ and male counterpart YPG fighting against a maurading army of jihadists with stolen US provided Humvees and weapons from the Iraqi army attacking women with coloured headscarves fighting back with only small arms and determination sent shock waves around the world and caused the international community to stand up against fascism. In our post truth world: public oppinion is now too divided to comprehend standing up for anything that isn’t a force fed meme. ( my own comment)

See here YPJ comment on recent Turkish attacks via Link here

More from Journalist and Kurdish humanitarian activist Hawzhin Azeez — When ISIS faced defeat it would literally destroy all major infrastructure including schools, hospitals, dams, sanitation and electricity plants and even roads. Burned farms, killed animals uprooted olive trees. This is the EXACT policy now implemented by Turkey in Rojava.@HawzhinAzeez

There is no international legal justification that allows Turkey to bomb vital infrastructure and facilities east of the Euphrates. What Turkey is doing are war crimes against civilians and are unacceptable under international law! @PYD_Rojava

Moments after the American forces declared their disapproval of the Turkish bombing . At these moments, several sites in the vicinity of Derik and Kobani are being targeted by Turkish aircraft. Rojava Security @DalgashRasoul5

What? @SecBlinken speaks with Turkish foreign minister about “coordinating & deconflicting” their activities in “military theaters” towards “defeating terrorism?”No condemnation for the 50+ air strikes in NE #Syria killing civilians & destroying infrastructure. Stunning. @NadineMaenza

AFP File photo of US F-16 involved in shooting down of turkish drone 06 Oct 2023

In a further dangerous escalation the US airforce is forced to shoot down a Turkish Bayraktar TB2 Drone when it comes close to US forces making them take cover in Bunkers for safety. Senator Chris Van Hollen takes to twitter x to voice his concerns

It’s bad enough that Erdogan’s Turkey is targeting Syrian Kurdish forces that remain our staunch allies in the fight against ISIS — they’re also doing it with total disregard for the safety of US troops. @ChrisVanHollen.

CJTFOIR — Press release

After the downing of the Turkish Drone the Combined Joint Task Force — Operation Inherent Resolve responds with a press release that was widely shared on twitter. It seems at this time to of been taken down by @CJTFOIR.

The targetted bombing of civilian infrastructure whilst not only floating international law, @NATO member Turkey is inflicting untold hardship on millions of people in North East Syria before the coming winter months.

For a second year in a row Turkey have destroyed the only gas bottling depot in NE Syria, and again just before the weather turns. Don’t believe their bullshit about “attacking PKK infrastructure”; Turkey have just deprived 4 million people of their only clean way to cook food. — International humanitarian volunteer — Dani Ellis @lapinesque

The desire to remove the Kurdish people from Northern Syria in what can only be described as genocide has long been a mission of Turkish president Erdogan.

Turkey has wanted to attack, invade NE Syria for years. They prefer AlQueda, ISIS, all jihadists on their border rather than democratic, religious freedom, gender equal Kurds, Armenians,Assyrians,Yezidi who they can’t control. Remember Erdogan’s UN speech of a “safe zone”in 2019? @JanetCalif

Terrorist President Erdogan announces at the UN his plans for a genocide of the Kurdish residents of N Syria 2019

I’ll leave the final words Hawzhin Azeez one of the commentators i find i repost the most due to her academic disection of all of the issues. Please Do the research yourself. You will see that Turkey has funded ISIS and other jihadist proxies against what will, by history, be seen as a point where we could of developed peace in the middle east by following the functioning ideology of Democratic Confederalism being implemented with spectacular results in womens liberation, ecology and sustainability by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. (AANES) Instead we will have yet another imperialist sponsored hellscape for our children to inherit.

This is not ok. This is an act of genocide on a people who’ve been constantly brutalised for over a decade by Turkish acts of terror and violence. The people of #Rojava deserve peace and stability not more bombings, air strikes and drone attacks! Turkey must stop it’s terrorism.- @HawzhinAzeez




Carpenter ex NfaTraveller and Raver running a succesful carpentry business while waiting for some sort of Anarchist revolution. One eye firmly on Rojava.