3 Lifestyle Hacks to Stay Fit & Healthy

Philip Kasumu
4 min readMar 9, 2016


Staying fit and healthy when leading a busy life can be quite a task. You might have a demanding job or tons of course work and deadlines to meet so health and fitness is just the last thing on your mind…

By exercising, eating healthily and resting well you put yourself in a better mood, which will allow you to execute your job/studies more effectively. That being said, here are some tips and tricks you can do to stay on top of your health whilst actually getting more done in the day than you think is possible.

1- Workout in the morning

By working out in the morning you will be more efficient through out the day and you will have a much better sleep studies have shown. Not only that but by working out in the morning ensures that you actually workout! Like most, we all have the intention of working out some days but sometimes things come up like working later than expected or someone suggests drinks after work because “you’ve earned it”. Avoid missing that killer workout your body deserves and get it done first thing in the morning. Your body will love you for it!

2- Prepare meals on Sunday night

When I used to work in an office environment in the city, I used to be that guy who actually used the fridges at work. I know, weird right? …Not really. By preparing meals on a Sunday night I saved a ton of money and made sure I ate good, nutritious, healthy meals packed with different colour vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. Simply make a shopping list and include all the ingredients you need for lunch for 4 days. Cook the meals on Sunday night and put them into 4 containers to take to work on Monday or if there isn’t enough fridge space at work take them in daily. Why 4 days? Because I still want you to still have friends at work. So on Friday’s, go out for lunch with colleagues so that you can socialize and tell them why you’re looking and feeling so great lately.

3- Meditation

When most people think about healthy living and fitness almost 9 times out of 10 they forget about their mind. Your mind controls what you do and dictates your wellbeing just as much as your workout, so it’s important to keep your mind healthy too.

Studies have shown that becoming mindful is a great way to relax and relieve stress. Simply take 5 or 10 minuets out of your day and do nothing. That’s right, nothing. No Facebook, no Instagram, no Twitter, no emails, no Tinder (if your into that) no nothing.

Relax… empty out your thoughts… and regroup. This will help you to focus more throughout the day and thus become more productive. So if you’re a student a stronger mind will help you study and remember, if you’re a working professional this will help you stay focused on tasks. A great app I use to mediate is called Calm. It’s a free download and it will help you mediate with relaxing sounds and guided sessions. You can mediate in the mornings or just before bed its up to you. I highly recommend you try it for 7 days at least.

So there you have it, some quick tips and tricks to help you get through your busy lives. Try them out for a week and see how you feel. Don’t worry if you can’t do it everyday, but give it a try when you can. There’s so much more I’d like to share but I think this is a good starting point as it’s the small steps we take that lead to big changes.

Please comment and share if you found this post useful and let me know how you get on! If you have any questions juts tweet me or DM me on instagram @philipkasumu



Philip Kasumu

I’m just trying to make the world a healthier place! Interested in fitness, nutrition and startups @philipkasumu