5 Reasons Why Children Should Visit Art Galleries and Museums

3 min readJul 12, 2017


Art galleries are incredibly interesting places to visit. Vastly different kinds of people travel all over the world to experience the wonder that is a famous and masterful piece of art. Having these types of experiences are especially important for children. Teaching them an appreciation of art at a young age makes them well-rounded individuals and will likely lead to them being more successful later on in life. A healthy appreciation of the arts is beneficial to anyone and children are at an impressionable age where they can absorb information like a sponge and love exploring their own creativity.

Educates them about history

Art has been around for thousands of years and you can travel back in time simply by walking through a museum or gallery. Most art pieces have some information about the artist and the story behind the art, which can be incredibly educational and give insight into historical events. Many art pieces are connected to historical events in some way, either as a clear painting of an event or meant to convey a type of emotion or occurrence through more abstract means. The development of art over time also gives insight into history because it shows the way people’s attitudes and styles have changed.

Encourages young artists

There are lots of children out there who are creative and possibly considering pursuing art in some form. Unfortunately, not enough people encourage this path and a child may abandon their dream before ever really being exposed to art. Or, a visit to an art gallery could spark a passion that a child would not have otherwise discovered. For young artists, visiting galleries encourages them to pursue their passion and hone their craft.

Creativity makes them smarter

When children participate in the arts, they frequently perform better in other subjects, such as reading writing, and math. Visiting art galleries is no exception. Allowing children to learn about art and explore their own creativity makes them smarter and helps them do better in other areas of school. Being exposed to art and new information helps educate children and increases their intelligence.

Many galleries are free

If you live in a city, visiting museums and galleries can be a perfect activity for families. Especially for families that don’t have access to extra money, but would still like to do something nice. Galleries and museums that are free (or free for students and young children) provide a great alternative for families who are looking for something to do that doesn’t cost a lot of money.

Teaches them respect

When you’re at a gallery, there’s a certain set of rules that apply. While some children do not follow these rules and cause disruptions, exposing children to galleries and museums from a young age teaches them to adhere to this code of conduct. Children must learn to be respectful toward other patrons of the gallery and how to appreciate art on their own. Understanding the importance of contemplation and quiet when appreciating art, as well as asking questions to gain knowledge, are skills that can greatly benefit children in the classroom and later in life.

Originally published at philippehoerle-guggenheim.com on July 12, 2017.




Philippe Hoerle-Guggenheim is the owner of HG Contemporary, a gallery which specializes in bold, process-oriented work by emerging and established artists.