Excellent Book Reading List for 2020

Phillip Andrew
7 min readJan 26, 2020


As a TV Producer, Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Author, I find it extremely important to learn and read as much as possible. I hope you will find this list helpful for you on your journey.

This was a great year of reading about Teaching, Coaching, Religion, Spirituality, Leadership, Psychology, and much much more.

Here is a list of all the books I read in in 2019, and I recommend many of them for you for 2020:

2019 was a very exciting year for me.

It was the least amount of books I have read in a couple of years, and that is because I WROTE a book myself. Although, if you are reading this, you probably already know that!

I am putting this together several months after reading some of these, so I will do my best to give a mini-description from memory. However, if anything stands out and you want to know more, just reach out and I will give you the scoop.

PhillipAndrewLA @ Gmail.com

All the Reasons I Hate My 28-Year-Old Boss — Phillip Andrew Barbb




Released: December 9th, 2019

Description: A++++ This book is very visual and an easy read. I wanted it to be a book that would be entertaining for someone that doesn’t enjoy reading. You can read the description on the Amazon page…seriously. Just go buy the damn thing already. hahah.

Mere Christianity — C.S. Lewis



Description: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is a theological book, adapted from a series of BBC radio talks made between 1941 and 1944, while Lewis was at Oxford during the Second World War. Solid read.

The quote that really hit me was: “No man knows how bad he is till he has tried to be good.”

The Psychology of Executive Coaching — Bruce Peltier



Description: “The most important workplace skill was, is, and always will be the ability to get along with people. If you don’t have that skill, any success you will have will only be temporary.” — Bruce Peltier

Another book down for 2019 and this one was excellent. It is as close to a textbook that I have read in a while so it was a bit dense. However, I think continuing our education as we get older is not just smart for us, but imperative for growth. I love psychology as well as learning how to be a better coach, and this book did not disappoint.

The Richest Man in Babylon — George S. Clason



Description: This is a classic story with great financial literacy themes. Worth the read, but if you aren’t gonna read it: PAY YOUR FUTURE SELF YOUR FIRST 10%, PAY YOUR DEBTS WITH YOUR NEXT 20%, LIVE OFF NO MORE THAN 70%...There you go, saved you a read.

All Marketers Tell Stories — Seth Godin



Description: Highly recommended for anyone in marketing, business, or anyone with a product or service to sell.

Three Magic Words — U.S. Andersen



Description: They say, “if you want some new ideas, read an old book.”📚There were certainly some ideas in this book. Somethings I agree with; some I’m still undecided on. But I think that is the beauty of reading: to challenge yourself and push your limits with thought. 📚

The E Myth Revisited — Michael Gerber



Description: Fantastic book, jam-packed with information for smaller business owners, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs. Highly Recommended. This is a STANDARD!

The Ultimate On-Camera Guidebook — Jacquie Jordan and Shannon O’Dowd





Description: Congratulations to my good friends @jacquie_jordan and @theshannonodowd as well as the team over at @tvguestpert for the soon to be released media coaching book. It is an honor to have written the Foreword!

As A Man Thinketh — James Allen



Description: One of the classics, “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen. 📚This is such a quick read yet it is a great foundation and introduction into personal development reading.

📚If you are someone who doesn’t read at all but wants to start, this is an easy and impactful place to begin.

Never Split The Difference — Chris Voss



Description: If you’re like me, negotiating was never something I loved to do yet because of TV I am always doing it.

Not only was this book very educational and informative, the story telling of @thefbinegotiator was exhilarating. Well, as exhilarating as #reading can be! Lol.

📕I definitely recommend it.

I also got to see Chris Speak a few months later at an event in Downtown Los Angeles and he did not disappoint. Excited to see more from him. And he has a masterclass too:

H3 Leadership: Humble Hungry Hustle — Brad Lomenick



Description: Thank you to @andymartz for this Christmas Gift. Appreciate you my brother. This was a solid read.

Featured not just the author @bradlomenick ideas but many from today’s top thought leaders and entrepreneurs.

The Laws of Human Nature — Robert Green



Description: It’s Long…and POWERFUL. I highly Recommend this on. This book is INCREDIBLE.

Applications of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in Counseling: A Casebook — Judith A. Provost



Description: This one was all about The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. #myersbriggs #MBTI📗Not meant to be an absolute on personalities but it can certainly be helpful in understanding yourself and other people better.

Heroic Hoaxes — Andrew Mound



Description: “…it is for this total disregard of ‘what nice people do’ that we secretly admire him.”📚I really enjoyed this book. I bought it for 0.99 at a Goodwill and it was a pretty fun read. Shocking to hear about the scams and hoaxes people have pulled over the years.Hard to believe someone once sold the Eiffel Tower!!!

Men Who Can’t Love — Steven Carter and Julia Sokol



Description: Sometimes I honestly feel like the only single man in Los Angeles that reads books about marriage, parenting, and relationship. Hahahah.🔥I found this book at the Palms LA Library on the rack of free books and I love that it talked about how dating in the 1980s is so difficult. Felt that was enough to get me on board.

The Power of Our Words — Paula Denton



Description: This was a great recommendation from a friend who works with Los Angeles County Schools. There is so much incredible information here about how to talk to children and lots of it carries over into being a successful communicator as an adult. We all have holes in our education. That’s normal. I believe it is critical for us to continuously learn and grow not only for us to be best us, but also to serve others more powerfully. I highly recommend this book to teachers, parents, fathers, mothers, educators… everyone.

Hit Makers — Derek Thompson



Description: Great book about what makes things popular. Highly recommend for people in creative fields or love entertainment. Highly recommend it especially if you are in business, sales, marketing, music, arts, entertainment, Philosophy, etc…. YEA, ITS FOR EVERYONE. Hahah

Thank you for reading. If you have any further questions, I would love to connect with you.

For more on me:






Phillip Andrew

TV Producer + Media Coach Coaching Workaholics + Over-Achievers. Los Angeles, CA IG @PhillipAndrewLA