Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2020


We’re extremely excited to be sharing the news that we are growing! The PhoenixDAO ‘Country Ambassador’ positions have started being filled and we are excited to see how the team continues to grow!

As you know over the last several months we have been building the ‘PhoenixDAO’ project, every decision made has been carefully considered to factor in a number of imperatives including sustainability, success, transparency, and importantly the community.

A high priority has been putting the infrastructure in place to ensure PhoenixDAO quickly becomes an exciting and well-established project within the crypto/blockchain space.

The core team began work quite early on in setting out the Country Ambassador roles and engage potential candidates pre-launch, this meant that we are now very early on in a position to be growing the team.

Reaching our decision

The core team all had their own ideas on what these roles should entail but after long discussions and market research we came to a joint decision. For full transparency one of the most difficult areas that has been carefully discussed is payments. Whilst the role itself carries a lot of similarities per country it was debated as to whether the roles within each country should carry a fixed PHNX payment or we should we look to vary the payment amount per country.

After careful market research we concluded that the role payment would vary per country, whilst not exhaustive a number of factors in coming to this conclusion included, cost of living, comparisons of similar roles within each country and our expectations on how the PHNX token will perform over the coming months/years. If you feel like any of the decisions being made at this stage are not the best move for the project, please bear in mind that once the DAO is fully functioning it will be the communities responsibility to decide roles such as the country ambassadors and what these roles entail can be part of that.

The best part is that we have successfully on-boarded five-country ambassadors covering the following continents; Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa. You will begin to see them appearing within the community and PhoenixDAO publications over the coming weeks/months.

If you would like to apply to be a PHNX Country Ambassador then fill out this form —




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