Important Photochain ICO Update

2 min readSep 8, 2018


Dear Photochain Community,

Yesterday, our crowdsale ended and first of all I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your contribution, commitment, and patience. The last few weeks have been a very intense time in a difficult and transforming market situation.

We will now do our internal token sale audit. For all contributors, please make sure to complete your KYC if you haven’t already done so. After our internal audit, we will prepare the token distribution. In parallel, we’re in ongoing negotiations with institutional investors — we will keep you updated on the progress. This parallel stream and any potential further contribution will not impact the token distribution for our contributors.

Photochain is the first mover in the whole blockchain-based visual works platform space and we are very proud that we have also developed into the technological leader with our publicly released, decentralized beta version. In addition, we’ve made some great progress on the business development and community growth side.

This was a great effort from the whole team & board but wouldn’t have been possible without the great backing from you, our community.

We’ve come a long way together but the mission just begun!

Thank you!

Stanislav Stolberg, CEO Photochain & the Photochain Team

Make sure to join the fairer stock photography revolution! Test our beta platform, register your account, and start uploading your images.




Using blockchain technology, Photochain returns the control over #licensing, #copyright, and trading back to #photographers, enabling fairer stock #photography.