Using Ether to play Pic One

Pic One
2 min readSep 6, 2019


Loading up you wallet of choice with that sweet, sweet ETH.

Playing Pic One is a easy as loading your wallet of choice with ETH. If you have ETH on an exchange or in a hardware wallet, withdraw or transfer to Metamask using your unique wallet address.

From there, proceed to Step 3 to deposit to Pic One.

We are also working hard to implement other user-friendly wallet solutions like Dapper. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates.

Otherwise, follow these instructions!

Step 1

Go to your smart contract wallet and click on Deposit

Step 2


Remember, if you have an account on an exchange in your country, you can always purchase ETH there!

Step 3

Now that you have ETH, go to Pic One and click on the wallet

Step 4

Input the number of ETH you want to deposit

Step 5

Confirm the transaction

Step 6

You’re ready to play Pic One! Please Pic wisely.

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