CELEBRITY TELL-ALL: “Once 6 was eliminated, we started doing the same things with no consequence”

Exclusive interview with /u/Walkersgaming

2 min readJan 2, 2016

PS: Let’s recap for our readers so far. First Arcation joins the nation of Niflheim in raiding the UOS. Then MLK decides that certain land in Tealstone just “belongs” to him, thus violating the sovereignty of the nation- violating it further by pearling a respected player working for Tealstone, building infrastructure.

W: I’m not going to lie here: Ncordo had a great nation, they had resources and tons of people, but they just never did anything with it, and that’s why it all dried up for them. That’s why I had no qualms about joining a conflict between two completely separate states and participating in raiding- I wanted some of that loot, and our reputation be damned.

PS: You mention your reputation. According to the latest poll, over 75% of the server currently thinks of you as an evil, World Policing nation- just like 6ix was in its heyday. What do you say to that?

W: I know exactly why people are thinking that. We have a pretty big snitch network, enough players that we can have two or three mining diamonds 24/7, and, yes, we’ve even started pearling people for saying things we don’t like and making “secret” land claims on other nations’ land.

PS: About that- what’s the point of that land claim?

W: It’s a secret.

PS: Well, did you at least contact the Tealstone leaders in secret to let them know you’d secretly claimed that land already? We had a similar problem once, and we let those people know immediately and they were happy to withdraw the claims.

W: Nope, we didn’t do anything to let anyone know that this land in the middle of someone else’s claim was ours. Oh wait, we did put up a sign. That always works, right? Right?

PS: Why are you doing these things, though?

W: To be honest, we’re just asserting our dominance. Once 6 was eliminated, we were free to do all the same things they did, but with no consequence because people viewed us as the good guys. The only other nation with decent PVPers is the Reach, and I know they’ll fight for us no matter what. It’s perfect, too- we’ve got Gogyst as the faceless man behind Arcation, and we’re his attack dogs. Bark!

PS: Well, thank you for doing this exclusive interview. Ciao!

