How to Deal with Ranked Anxiety | Day 21/30

3 min readSep 21, 2017


League of Legends has been a very popular game and has been a big part of my life. I have been a League of Legends veteran for four years now and have clocked over 1000 hours played and countless games too. Ranked anxiety is something that a lot of players have including myself in the past. Wow I do not suffer from it currently ranked anxiety as one of the problems for low ELO or unranked players. Why is ranked anxiety such a big problem in League of Legends?

I would like to start by saying that there is no problem with having ranked anxiety I feel you.It’s nothing to worry about and I hope that this guide can shed a little light on the situation and make you feel better about League of Legends and playing ranked.

Some people may know me as a filthy Janna player or a washed-up diamond support, while both very very true I have had my fair share of league of Legends games and enough knowledge to tell you how to overcome ranked anxiety. First thing is to not to worry about the game. Any game that is competitive will get people frustrated, annoyed and upset because they do not want to let themselves or their team down. There are ways to prevent people from talking down at you or making you feel bad about miss playing. Mute them and do not talk to them is my advice for this situation.

While I do believe for some people that this game is more than a game to them and for me it is too. But in twenty years’ time you would have forgot about this game and nobody will care about your rank. Nobody outside of the game will care about what rank you are so why should you worry about a being X rank? I’m not saying this to offend anyone because I love talking about League of Legends and I love the game itself, but if I was to tell anyone else who doesn’t play League- like I don’t know anybody who plays in real life, if I was to tell someone who doesn’t play the game that I’m diamond they wouldn’t know what that means or wouldn’t really care. That’s life.

A problem people struggle with is they do not want to be bronze 5, while bronze 5 exists for a reason being a low rank in general isn’t as bad as people think it is you are still higher or at least slightly better than some people at the game. Bronze 5 is only a rank anyway so why should it matter? Gold is roughly average for the game. You could be one week into ranked and be bronze 5- there is no problem with that and you shouldn’t worry. If you are determined to improve at the game and are willing to sacrifice yourself to improve, then your rank will go up.

If you are at 0LP and are not wanting to play in fear of demotion. My suggestion is to just play, you have a 50% chance of winning that game. While I cannot justify why you should play, here is my advice that I am currently working with. “I got this rank once, I can get here again.”

Finally, if you are not playing ranked because you don’t want to play ranked? That is fine. You don’t have to play ranked and neither do you have to explain yourself on why you don’t want to play ranked.

Hi there, I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you did, maybe you’d like to show your support by checking out my Twitch channel. I stream very frequently and if you have any questions about this guide or improving at League of Legends, please come by some time and ask me a question or two. Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you soon :) PS, I’m Diamond 1 if that helps.

