How to Help your ADC farm Under tower | Day 22/30

2 min readSep 22, 2017


In the bottom lane there are two champions against two champions. The job of one of those champions of each side is to a farm successfully and get ready for the mid game. It’s the job of the other two players- the supports, to help them successfully farm and get strong for team fights. How can you as the support help your ADC to farm more efficiently? There are lots of Farming guides out there, and some of them are slightly out of date, some are wrong and some are perfectly made. This guide will hopefully be more productive and help your AD carry to farm more efficiently.

If you are playing in a losing lane, or a losing match up- you as the support must help your AD carry farm. If you have to play Under Tower to survive then do so. Your ADC will find it hard to last hit correctly. You need to help them last hit under Tower.

There are three types of minions in the early game;

The first is melee minions. These minions take two tower shots and one auto attack to be killed.

The second minion is ranged minions. These will die from two tower shots and it is your job to auto attack once and let the tower attack them once and then let your ADC finish it off. You must do this for every ranged minion in the early game.

The final minion is Canon minions (siege minions) these require seven tower shots followed by one auto to kill.

Often in the early game champions will not be able to hit all the minions on the tower because they do not have the required attack speed to do so. It is your job as the support to help them CS under tower. In situations where your ADC will completely miss the farm you can take it for yourself.

If you are in a solo lane you have to do all the work yourself.

Here is a video that will explain everything about last hitting under tower in the early game.

In some situations, the minions will already have lost some health. This is where your own judgement and educated guesses will come in hand.

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