How to Hit Skill Shots more Effectively | Day 25/30

4 min readSep 25, 2017


Skill shots are one of the core ways to deal damage to enemies in the game. The majority of Champions in League of Legends have one skill shot or more and some unfortunately have three or four skill shots. Because skill shots are such a big thing and play such a huge part in League of Legends learning to accurately hit them and dodge them is incredibly important.

There are lots of different examples of skill shots and lots of different types. In this guide I will focus on Blitzcrank Q to help aid in this topic. This ability is a hook that will pull anything hit by it directly towards him. Skill shots have different ranges and can go in different directions, different places, and some are affected by other in game factors such as minions.


In League of Legends every ability has a hit box, some hit boxes are bigger than others and the thickness of them determines how easy or how hard they are to hit. If you have ever played the game you would have seen some very questionable hit boxes in the past. Blitzcrank Q for example is sometimes buggy, and even Gragas body-slam can sometimes be questionable. This is because the hit box is so big, however this is good in helping you to hit them correctly.

Understanding how big the hit boxes are is one way hitting skill shots more. This is because you know how big it is and how much leniency they give you to hit it.

Quick Cast / Smart Cast

If you do not use quick cast I highly recommend using it, it helps in not only hitting your skills shots more effectively but reacting much quicker than without. It takes some time getting used too and getting right- this sometimes puts people off learning it. I would highly suggest using quick cast.

However I do not recommend using quick cast for every ability, instead use smart cast. Smart cast is where you have quick cast for some but normal cast for others and this is what the majority of professional League of Legends players have. There are a few ways to set up smart cast however I will give you the one I use.

Above is a screenshot of my setup to help you set up smart cast. For me, I use normal cast on SHIFT Q W E and R. But by default, have everything on quick cast. I tend to use normal cast whenever I am preparing to hit a skill shot. As this makes me see the range indicator and allows me a little extra time to line it up correctly. This takes a lot of getting used to however once you get into the gist of using it you will not look back.

Miss positioning

Many skill shots like Blitzcrank’s Q cannot go through minions. Instead they have to directly hit the enemy champion. Waiting for an enemy to miss position- for example, walking out behind minions and into it Open zone. Would be the optimal time to go and hit the ability. This is because, they will not have any minions to protect them. I suggest doing this as often as you can, but only if you have enough Mana. This will not only poke the enemy down, but also help you to kill them.

I see the enemy missposition. This is my best opportunity to engage on her. Now it will be the time to go for your skill shot.


Skill shots are skill shots for a reason and they require you to accurately predict where the enemy will be moving to and positioning. There is no real way to tell you how to hit skill shots more because it requires you to learn and predict.

However, there are some ways you can improve your accuracy by predicting where they go. If we use everything I’ve talked about earlier, then it should be easier to hit them. Learning the enemies movement patterns, is one way of successfully hitting skill shots and when they miss position you have your optimal time of hitting them correctly.

Overall practice makes perfect when trying to hit skill shots. Some skill shots are harder to hit than other, it takes a very dedicated person, and a lot of time to become good at the business of skill shot hitting…. You’ve got this summoner.

Hi there, I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you did, maybe you’d like to show your support by checking out my Twitch channel. I stream very frequently and if you have any questions about this guide or improving at League of Legends, please come by some time and ask me a question or two. Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you soon :) PS, I’m Diamond 1 if that helps.

