How to Impact the Game from the Support Role | Day 7/30

3 min readSep 7, 2017


Support is one of the least mained role and it’s easy to see why, many players believe that the support has the least impact in the game and is the worse role. I disagree.As a mid tier diamond support main, i know how to impact the game and here are my secrets.


If you cannot kill the enemy then it is best to roam and help other lanes. As long as your ADC can stay safe then it is fine to start roaming. If you’re playing a champion that has an easy time roaming such as Alistar, Thresh and Rakan, then you should start roaming and help other lanes. When roaming you should provide vision as well.

You can check out my roaming guide here

Provide vision

Providing vision is one of your main jobs as the support anyway, but using wards and having them scout areas to prevent ganks is also very important. Use your pings to their full potential and spam ping your laners when you see the enemy jungler coming.

Following on from that, keep your eyes on the map at all times. While you’re not actively killing creeps like other laners or champions, you should watch the map and help your team by notifying them when the enemy jungler is approaching their lane.

Play passive

Games don’t need 100 kills, ADC’s don’t need to buy 10–0 in lane to win. If your ADC is not very good, then don’t fight. Don’t go for kills if they can’t follow you up. It is best to gain a farm advantage instead of dying in lane. For example, if you have died 3 times in 10minutes, you’ve given up around 900 gold to the enemy, and put yourself behind as well as your ADC because the enemy will have item and XP advantage, just farm and focus.

Pick your fights

While playing passive is good in a lot of situations it is good to play aggressive and pick your fights when their are good opportunities. Picking your fights and playing around ability timers, summoner cooldowns and other factors are a very good way of improving your laning phase. For example, if i am playing Thresh and I see the enemy ADC has wasted or used their escape ability, I will then engage on them.

Focus and don’t give up

A lot of players seem to forget that the game is team based and is not over until either team wins or surrenders. You need to focus on yourself and keep playing to your full potential. If your ADC is having a bad game, you have to pick up the slack and be extra careful on not dying and giving pressure to the enemy. You need to be on high alert and focus on yourself and not on what your other lanes are doing. You have 4 other team mates that are relying on you to do your job.

You will sometimes have games that seem to be unwinnable. As long as you play well and try your best then you still have a chance of winning the game.

We’ve all been in games where it looks hopeless, but remember that time you came back and won?

That feeling it gave you?

Don’t give up- Go after it, Kid.

Hi there, I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you did, maybe you’d like to show your support by checking out my Twitch channel. I stream very frequently and if you have any questions about this guide or improving at League of Legends, please come by some time and ask me a question or two. Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you soon :) PS, I’m Diamond 1 if that helps.

