How to Play Against Blitzcrank | Day 15/30

3 min readSep 15, 2017


Blitzcrank is very hard to play against in Low ELO. A lot of player’s struggle playing against him because of his kit-especially his Q. Blitzcrank Q is a pull ability that will directly bring any champion, monster or jungle camp directly to him. This means that been caught by this ability will potentially kill you or do lots of damage towards yourself, alternatively, it will make you blow Flash or other summoners. There are a few different ways you can play against Blitzcrank and I will list some different techniques you can use to beat him in Lane and before the game starts.

Before we get into how to play against him we must first know exactly how strong he is. A quick rundown of his abilities: his Q is a pull, his w is a speed up followed by a very drastic slow, his E is a knock up and his ultimate is a silence. He is a tank champion that focuses on winning the early game and applying pressure in the mid game by getting picks and starting team fights.

Play Tanks against him

In a lot of occasions you may see the enemy support before you pick your champion. If the enemy shows Blitzcrank then you should pick a tank champion against him. This is because you will be less squishy compared to playing a peel champion or Mage support. This means that Blitzcrank’s early game pressure through hooks would be less effective because you will be harder to kill in lane.

If you are not a tank and are playing vs. Blitzcrank you will have to play safe and not get hooked.

Poke him early

Poking the Blitzcrank is one way of making sure he doesn’t have pressure in the lane. You do not have to get kills to win this lane and the enemy knows it, if you can poke Blitzcrank early forcing him to either play safe or having to back then it will make the lane much easier for you as he will have to play back instead of aggressively.

Fight early

Following on from poking him, hitting level 2 first will apply enough pressure for them to either back off the wave or take a beating. At level 2 you want to go in and auto/deal damage to the enemies and potentially make them blow their defensive summoners or use health pots. This means that they will be at a disadvantage until they backed, that is- if they recover from it.

Don’t get hooked

This is over simplifying the problem- but don’t get hooked. You can stop yourself from being hooked by either trying to dodge his abilities by walking a different direction or using an escape ability such as a dash. Alternatively you should stand behind minions and not away from them. His hook cannot go through minions, so use your minion wave to your advantage by standing behind them.


Roaming is a good way of outplaying the Blitzcrank and applying pressure to other lanes. Roaming is good because it will help other lanes out in attempt of getting them ahead. You should only roam if your ADC will be safe and can stay alive against the Blitzcrank.

You can check this roaming guide out here.

Overall playing against Blitzcrank is rather stressful and so it can be horrible for a lot of players. In attempts to relive some of this stress this guide should make it a little easier and clearer on ways you can beat him. If you’re still not comfortable playing against him- dodge.

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