How to play against enemy poke compositions | Day 13/30

2 min readSep 13, 2017


Playing against poke teams are the worse and are rather frustrating to play against. First of all, what are they and what do they do? Poke compositions are teams that have a lot of poke abilities and their job is to keep poking you down until you either have to back or have died. Champions that benefit well in this team comp are champions such as Nidalee, Xereth, Sivir, Jayce, Ezreal and Varus. How can you beat them and win the game?

To play against these teams you must fully engage on the enemies. You must go in, go deep and commit to team fights. You need to have tanks or somebody who can engage on these enemies to do anything against them. They are usually squishy, so you should catch whoever is out of position by focusing them down. You should also try to get picks on them by warding high traffic areas.

Against this team you should not get poked down. If you get poked then they will take your towers or your life. Make sure to not get poked by their abilities. You should try to dodge all of their abilities and not get caught out of position because they will collapse on you.

Playing against these types of teams are horrible indeed. When fighting them you must commit and go in, no half engage- go in.

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