How to Play Against Orianna | Day 19/30

4 min readSep 19, 2017


Orianna has been known to have “Zero Counters” while true to some extent there are ways to beat her in lane. This guide will show you a few different ways to perform better in Lane against her.

Orianna, The Lady of Clockwork

The first is pretty obvious, play around her ability cool downs. Unfortunately Orianna has rather short cool downs so you will need to make sure that you dodge what she throws at you. Ariana’s main abilities that deal damage are her Q and W. When you see her use one of her main damage abilities such as those, then it will be your optimal time to trade with her. For example Zed vs Orianna, once I notice that she has used her Q I will then engage on her with my combo of W E Q.

Poking is something you should all be doing. It is one of the fundamentals of laning against any champion. You should poke her whenever possible but do not waste your mana. Depending on what champion you are playing in this situation, you should trade whenever you are at your peak levels and performance. Each champion has a unique timer where they are at there peak performance such as Zed’s level 3 all in. Poking is best done in conjunction with playing around her ability cool downs this is because she will not be able to trade back with you because one of her main abilities is down.

Dodging her abilities is also something you need to be doing. Orianna’s main goal is to poke you down and make you either return to base to kill you. Like I’ve stated above all Orianna’s Q and W are her main damage outputs. When she has wasted one of these abilities you should go in but you should also dodge her abilities. If you can dodge her Q then she will not be able to follow up with the w damage. Her Q and W combo are very strong, if she hits you with q then she will follow up with w. In short, dodge her Q so she can not follow up with extra damage. Oriana main strength is to poke you down, dodging her abilities will make it hard for her to win Lane against you.

Another way of beating Orianna is roaming. Orianna does not have the greatest time at roaming so if you can out roam her and help other lanes then it will be very good for not only you but your team. In a lot of situations or Orianna will be unkillable, this is true for a lot of Champions, if you have a champion that can easily push the wave and roam then you should do it. However do not constantly roam and make sure that your Lane is pushed, Orianna’s auto attack damage is a very high and she can easily take towers down if she is left to do it.

Finally, a rather simple to understand concept even though I believe I have talked about it enough, is do not let her poke you. There is a concept in League of Legends that players believe that they have to get every CS possible, this is wrong and your thought process must change. Going to CS especially vs a champion that can abuse you such as Orianna, is very difficult. If you are playing vs Orianna as a melee champion such as Zed, Galio or Talon then you will have to sacrifice farm for experience. While CS is very good and helps you buy items staying up in experience and levels is far more important, especially against champions that can abuse you as hard as Orianna can.

Here is a graph that I originally made for a different guide however this is true for playing against Orianna as well.

I hope this guide has helped anybody who is struggling playing against Orianna. If you have any problems with playing against Orianna I suggest playing her and learning her yourself. Knowing how each champion plays and what their level spikes are will help you play against them.

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