How to Play From Behind in The Early Game | Day 28/30

3 min readSep 28, 2017


Playing from behind after a silly mistake in lane can cost you dearly if done incorrectly. Here are some tips to help you in the laning phase when playing from behind.

Avoid Trading

If you’re behind in levels or kills it is best to avoid trading. You shouldn’t trade if you are behind as you will most likely come off worse. This means you will be even more behind and have to sacrifice even more. I recommend not fighting but instead just farming and waiting for ganks.

Let Your Team Carry You

Following on from avoiding trading, you must not die anymore. It is best to try and soak up as much experience and gold as possible and try to stay relevant. If you’re behind in lane just focus on farming and not trading or dying. If you die you’re putting yourself even more behind but also giving more gold and pressure to the enemy. Wait for ganks or try to help your team.

Build Defensive Items

If you’re behind then you should start picking up some defensive items. Items that give you defensive stats will allow you to stay in lane for longer and make you more reliable in team fights. This is because you will be either more tanky, or have the stats to protect yourself against the enemy damage. However, this depends on what champion you’re playing and who you’re against.

Stop Pushing

Stop pushing your lane. If you’re a squishy champion or have no flash then be prepared to constantly be ganked. Consistent ganks will put you even more behind and make you worse off. To counter these measures, you need to ward and stop pushing the lane. The jungler will waste their time if they come to gank you. This will also allow you to be in a position where your jungler can gank your lane.

Request Jungle Help

Most junglers will come to your lane if they see that you have set a gank up for them. This follows on from not pushing the wave. I recommend not pushing and asking your jungler to help you instead. If you have CC then this will be much better for your jungler and more likely result in a kill.

Farm and Sacrifice CS for XP

Taking unnecessary risks in lane will result in you falling behind. You should not go for CS if you will be poked out or take lots of damage. In these types of lanes you need to sacrifice some of your CS for Experience. Freezing the wave and stop pushing will make this a lot easier and you will miss out on less CS.

In many games players will fall behind. Everybody does it. I hope some of these tips will help you out and help you stay relevant in the game.

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