How to position correctly as the support | Day 10/30

4 min readSep 10, 2017


Positioning in the laning phase is incredibly important. In most games, lanes are won or lost in the laning phase because of the positioning of the support. When you play the support role, you must position well to help your ADC farm and stay safe in the lane whilst being a threat to the enemy. Depending on what type of support you are playing and the role of the support makes you position differently in the lane.

Mage Supports

When playing mage supports such as Zyra or Brand, you need to be constantly poking the enemy. This is why you should be stood next to your ADC and keep swaying between in front and next to them. Because your main job is to deal damage in the lane you should keep poking the enemy with your abilities and auto attacks.

Below is a screenshot of where you should be standing in lane.

Always stand near your ADC, next to them or in front.

I suggest standing around your ADC because;

1) It allows you to auto and harass the enemy with your abilities and auto damage.

2) You are being a threat and it means the enemy will not engage on your ADC for free.

3) It makes it a 2v2 lane.

Because you’re a Mage support you are normally quiet squishy and sacrifice defensive stats for more damage ones early, this makes you vulnerable to enemy damage so it is best to play passive aggressive in this lane to stay relevant. What I mean by this is, do not always play aggressive and do not always play passive- you need a mixture of both to win this lane, especially in some match ups where your ADC can feel like it is a 1v2 lane, make it a 2v2 lane by your positioning.

Tank Supports

Tank supports can sometimes be difficult to position well with because they are a lot different tank supports. The positioning of these champions is usually next to or slightly in front of the ADC. The positioning is important for these champions because you do not want to give the enemy free harass in lane which can make it much harder for you and your ADC. In general you want to push up when you will not be punished for it, for example denying enemy CS or XP. You need to stay next to your ADC and not behind them because the enemy will harass your ADC for free and you will not be able to do anything about it. Stand next to them so you can at least engage on them when they fight your AD.

Positioning like this also allows you to jump on the enemy whenever they are out of position. Check this video out for a good example of quick execution when the enemy has stepped out of position.

Peel/Utility Supports

Positioning of these champions are usually just behind the ADC or next to them hiding in bushes. The positioning is slightly different because they do not do much of an active job compared to the others in lane. The main job of a peel support is to shield the ADC and protect them from the enemies. If we compare them to Mage supports, the mages will be constantly looking to damage the enemy, tanks will be looking to engage on them and peel supports will just be there shielding. You’re not doing an active job because your main job, is to just protect.

You should stand next to your ADC or just behind them, to protect them from the enemy’s damage while using your shield, your abilities and to trade autos when they focus your ADC. You should sacrifice yourself to protect your AD.

In general, you should always be looking to position near your ADC and not far away from them. Many ADC’s feel hopeless when the support is not near them because they can be focused down hard and freely harassed. This means you need to stand near your ADC and protect them.

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