How to Prevent Counter Jungling | Day 23/30

2 min readSep 23, 2017


If you are a jungle player you’ve probably had your fair share of counter jungling in the past. In some games it is almost impossible to farm because you have been so heavily out jungled. Games like this are rather frustrating to play and are almost always hard to come back from. There are some ways to prevent counter jungling in League of Legends and here are some ideas that you can take forward into your future games to help prevent counter jungling.

Ganking Lanes

Showing yourself on the map when ganking lanes is one way of being counter jungle. When ganking Lanes, you need to be quick and efficient with your pathing and performance. Time is a valuable resource in League of Legends, and wasting it is something you should not do. While you are on the map you will be spotted. The enemy jungler will have enough time to know where you are and you can take objectives away from you. For example, if you are helping your top planer out the enemy jungler can invade your bottom side to either provide vision or take jungle camps away from you.

You can improve on this by not showing yourself for too long while ganking, and making sure that you have taken all your jungle whenever possible.

Provide Vision

Providing vision as the jungler is a very important. Everybody must do it to successfully show and spot the enemy. Pink ward’s in river bushes are one way to show where the enemy jungle is. This will prevent counter jungling because you can see them entering your jungle which will allow your team to collapse on them. If you know that the jungle is entering an empty side of the map, you should invade the opposite side of their jungle to try and steal their camps.

Vision is incredibly important for all Lanes. Spotting the enemy jungler when he is invading or passing through the river is a one way preventing invades or ganks.

Taking Camps

The most obvious way of preventing counter jungling is taking your buffs and camps whenever they are up. This will mean that the enemy will be wasting their time trying to take or steal buffs if they are not there. This will also put them behind as they have taken the time to come into our jungle. This also means that you could collapse on them while they are looking for your camps.

Once you improve in ranking and learn more about the game you will notice small signs to prevent counter jungling. It takes a lot of practice to become good at jungling so do not be discouraged when learning.

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