How to Stop Tilting in League of Legends

7 min readApr 23, 2018


League of Legends is a very stressful, and a very competitive game and because of this, it can be very tilting. Tilt is something that every single League of Legends player experiences and everybody knows the harsh reality about tilting. Whilst some may not like to admit it, everybody gets tilted over the simplest of things. Some may tilt over missing CS or losing lane, whilst others tilt from the community’s actions. Whatever tilts you, there are some ways you can help yourself from tilting further and losing even more games and in this guide- we’re here to help you out.

There are two main types of tilting and everybody has experienced both. The first is what I like to call blatant or obvious tilting. This is when you are making silly mistakes, which in turn — snowball out of control and you make more mistakes. You’ll find yourself losing more games, making the same mistakes over and over again and feeling very very disheartened about the game. The second is something that a lot of people do not like to admit to, and it’s called hidden tilt or denial. This is by far the worst of the two and if you are in this frame of mind, it is very difficult to get out of it without taking some extreme measures.

My Story

Before we get into the subject at hand, it would be beneficial if I talk about what tilts me and makes me you play worse (guess which one I am…) Personally, I do not feel that I start to tilt if I miss play or get outplayed. Instead, I start tilting when I get teammates who deliberately want to lose or do certain things to throw the game. In Diamond, a lot of players will throw in the towel 5 or 10 minutes in for no real reason. Which really frustrates me because games can be turned around like that *clicks fingers. * When you have somebody on your team that does this, it is really sad and makes everybody play worse. It is also frustrating because you know that it’s going to be an uphill struggle as it’s going to feel like a four vs five as this person is not going to play properly for the rest of the game.

My Current Op.GG score

Stop playing the game

If your tilted, then you should stop playing at all. This is because you will not be playing up to standard with everyone else.You will find yourself making more mistakes and feeling rather negative about the game. So stop playing and take a break.

Everybody has chased ELO in the past, and everybody still does it. Whilst losing games sucks it’s part and parcel of the league of Legends. You’re bound to go on winning streaks and losing streaks-that’s just how it’s meant to be. Whilst it is discouraging to lose games, just remember that you have a 50/50 chance of winning. If you have lost a few games in a row, and are feeling quite tilted it’s best to stop playing at all and taking a break.

Nobody likes to end with less LP than what they started with and unfortunately, that happens frequently. We have all chased wins in attempts to get our precious ELO back and from experience, this rarely goes to plan. If you’ve lost a few games in a row, just stop playing. There’s no point continuing to try and play. If you’re tilted from the previous losses, you are probably going to lose more LP if you continue playing.

Don’t switch it out

If you are losing on your main champion, do not start playing random champions in ranked to try and get your ELO back. This never works because you’re used to your main champion rather than some random champion that you picked. For example, if you main Annie mid and are losing on Annie mid, playing Yasuo will not help you get your LP back. Playing Yasuo in general will not help you get your LP back!

Stick to your main champions and avoid switching it up if you’re losing.

If you’re used to a certain role or champion, stick to them until they stop working for you entirely. Like stated throughout this guide, win streaks and lost streaks will happen. Just stick to your champion, stick to your role and avoid mixing things up. If you start mixing things up, then you will just see more LP fall. Switching champions is fine if you have a deep and diverse champion pool, but you should never start playing random champions if you are losing.

Don’t blame your teammates, blame yourself

Unless you are a super toxic person in general, you’ll find yourself blaming other people over the littlest of things. Personally, I’m not a very toxic person as I do not talk in game, but I find myself blaming others for losses such as dying multiple times or “intentionally” making mistakes so the game ends quickly.

But it is important to remember that it is a team game and you could potentially help them out if they are failing. I’m not saying that every single game that you play is going to be your fault you’ve lost, it’s a team game after all. Every game is winnable unless the enemy has an unfair advantage such as one of your teammates trolling or going AFK. Try to focus on yourself rather than what your teammates are doing or saying.

Avoid blaming your team mates and think about what you can do in every game to improve and what you can do to win the game.

Listen to Yourself

If you are feeling negative about the game, or negative about your teammates- listen to what your brain is telling you. If it’s telling you to stop playing, then stop playing. I rarely listen to myself (which is quite ironic after all) and I always regret it. Nine times out of ten, not listening to myself will make me tilt even further and make me lose even more games. If your head is telling you something, you should probably do as it says- unless it is terrible advice, then don’t do it.

Why I Love League of Legends but Hate Playing the Game.

Grab a piece of paper right now. Write down on that paper some golden rules for yourself to follow and stick to these rules like glue. These rules should be about physical and mental things about the game. Do not write goals. Write rules, stick to these rules and don’t break the rules. If one of your rules is to dodge if you have a troll pick, start dodging the game. I suggest — I mean, I demand that you write down “if I lose two games in a row, I will not queue again.” Making these simple rules and sticking to them, will save you a lot of stress, a lot of aggro, and a lot of LP. Trust me on this, write some rules down and stick to ‘em.

Take a Break

Something that helps me in the short term is by taking long breaks from the game. Taking a break from playing itself allows me to change my mindset and not have that pain in the back of my head about playing the game. It also prevents me from doing a range of things; for example, losing more LP, getting stressed or depressed but it also allows me to reset as a player and as a person.

If you are struggling and are frequently losing games I suggest taking a break from league as a whole. Don’t play normal, don’t play ranked, don’t play bots. Just stop playing period. Taking a step back from the game itself will allow you to reset as a whole and this (in theory) will allow you to play better once you are back.

Brakes can depend on who you are as a person, currently I am on a week long break from League where I plan to not play at all, but continue to work and do research. Brakes can differ from an hour, too a week and in some cases a month or two. Try to take a break that is long enough to help you reset and refresh your mindset, but not too long to lose all your raw mechanics and muscle memory.


Avoid losing more games and more LP by taking advice in this guide. If you stop blaming your team mates and stop playing when you’re tilted, you will see yourself being stressed for future games.

Hi there, I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you did, maybe you’d like to show your support by checking out my Twitch channel. I stream very frequently and if you have any questions about this guide or improving at League of Legends, please come by some time and ask me a question or two. Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you soon :) PS, I’m Diamond 1 if that helps.

