How to Track the enemy Jungler in the Early Game | Day 9/30

3 min readSep 9, 2017


Tracking the enemy jungler is a very important and sometimes is a hard thing to do. There are a few different ways to track the jungler and it all starts from minute 1.

In the opening stage of the game it is important to know who their jungler is and know if they are a early game champion or a mid/late game champion. This is true for every role, but especially the jungle role as it allows you to control the map and have a higher impact on the game. Knowing the general jungle routes will help you steal camps, know when you can fight them or when you can invade and go looking for them.

Where they start

You can usually tell where the jungler has started by watching the enemy laners to see if they are coming to lane late or early, or if they have used mana. Usually, if the bot lane is already in lane then the enemy has started topside, or if the Top has arrived early then the bot was probably leashing . You can track the enemy from there and assume where they will be. If the jungler has started witches also known as raptors, then the mid will be slightly late to lane or have used mana.

However in some games there will be a fake leash. When they do this you must guess where they have started, but using your knowledge of match ups you should have a good idea on where they’ve started.

Using the Fruit, Scryer’s bloom and blast cones

Taking away and using the 3 plants is a very good way of tracking the enemy jungler by knowing where they are and when. If one of these plants is down, then it will show that the enemy jungler was around this area previously. The plants also leave debris too which can also help you know when they were there as they have a slight timer on.

In short, if the enemy has recently taken a plant, then it will leave debris on the ground. If you see that it has been used you should assume that the jungler will be headed to the closest lane near it which allows you to either counter gank, force objectives on the other side of the map, or steal their camps. However, this is very situational.

Warding and Rift Scuttler

The obvious way of tracking the enemy jungler is to ward their jungle. You should invade the enemy jungle and place informative wards around their camps and high traffic areas. Information like this allows your team to know where the jungler is and play around it, for example seeing that the enemy jungler is topside allows you to gank bot lane and vice versa.

You can check this warding guide on where to place wards to spot the enemy jungler.

Another way is to take the two rift scuttlers, taking these will show vision and if the enemy jungler is taking the river as a path to a gank. This will either prevent junglers ganking and wasting time going the long way around or will give your laners enough time to react or back off.

Their Creep Score

Knowing and seeing their Creep score will allow you to guess where they have been and where they will be going. Knowing what camps give what Creep score will allow you to go fight them over future camps or go and ward the other side of the map and scout them for when they come back around.

Looking for the enemy jungler and knowing where they are at all times is very important and should be used to it’s full potential each game. It is not just the jungler’s job to scout and track the enemy jungler. Laners must know where they are as well so they can play around it and know when they can play aggressive.

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