How to Ward Objectives | Day 4/30

5 min readSep 4, 2017


Warding objectives is incredibly important, it gives you the ability and knowledge to know if the enemy are doing it or are nearby. Warding in itself is important and so is having vision of dragon and baron.

Scouting Dragon

Warding is one way to get vision around the dragon pit. Another way is picking up the rift scuttle, not only to give vision of the dragon pit but also to scout out any champions coming through the river. Rift scuttle is very good as it provides basically a free ward and can give lots of knowledge- for example, if it has recently been killed you will see enemy vision there, this also means that the jungler is or was nearby.

Warding the dragon area is important because it will tell you if the enemy team is doing it. There are a few different wards that you can place to see if the enemy is doing it.

Use your ward inside the pit

The first is pretty obvious, warding inside the pit itself, this is the more common one but I see many people doing it wrong. You want to ward around this area (see picture.) You should do this because it grants vision to the pit but also the river nearby.

Doing Dragon

Being aware of the enemy team is important and knowing where they are is valuable information. When doing dragon you should always have areas around it warded. I have broken down where you should place wards depending on what side you’re on.

Blue side Dragon wards

If you are on Blue side, then you should ward in these 3 areas. Wards here will allow you to see if any enemies are approaching you if they are coming then it is good to either back off and let the dragon reset or try and rush the dragon down. If you cannot finish it, then change targets and focus the enemy instead. Use your control in the pit to scout out any wards that might be placed

Red side Dragon wards

On red side you should ward in these places as they will show you where the enemy is and if they are in good position to contest the dragon. If the enemy is coming and is spotted, then make sure to either back off and reset the dragon or pull the dragon out of the pit but do not let it reset. To do this, walk backwards until the dragon is out of pit and go back in range to finish it off.

Scouting Baron

Scouting baron is slightly different to scouting the dragon. This is because there are more valid places to ward. If the rift scuttler is alive, make sure to kill it and gain the free ward from it.

As the red side, you want to ward in these areas as it will show vision when the enemy is approaching or doing baron, this also shows if the are baiting the baron too. When scouting baron i like to place a defensive pink ward because it is harder to destroy compared to one in the baron pit (it’s in our jungle so the enemy has to invade us to get it)

Red side Baron wards

On the blue side you need to ward in these areas. I recommend using a offensive pink ward because the enemy have further to get to it and clear it, this means that your team can follow up and kill the enemy if they try to get it. I tend to ward around the side of the pit as this is usually a high traffic area.

Blue side Baron Wards

Doing Baron

While doing baron, you need to beware of where the enemy is and make sure to have the important areas warded. Here are the ideal wards to protect you from the enemy counter. If you see the enemy coming you should back off unless the baron is almost done, this is because smite wars around baron are incredibly difficult and can cost games. This is also where games are thrown. On the blue side you should ward these areas.

Blue side Baron Wards

When doing baron as the red team you must give your team as much information as soon as possible, so it is important to ward in these areas to grant your time the maximum chance of escaping if need be. This also allows your team to prepare an engage on the enemies.

Red side Baron Wards

Overall, it is important to keep vision of the enemy and give your team a big chance of securing objectives with useful vision. This serves as a guide and a go-to guide to warding objectives such as Baron or Dragon, in some situations you will need to ward different areas depending on the enemy team and other in game factors.

Finally, if you see any enemy wards spotted by your control ward while doing baron or dragon do not destroy them as they grant vision for a brief period showing the monsters health. Also use the plants to your advantage, destroy anything that may give the enemy information of the monsters.

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