How to Ward when Sieging | Day 1/30

3 min readSep 1, 2017


Warding throughout the game can sometimes be hard but is one of the most important factors that can make or break a game. It can be rather hard to fully understand when it is the right time to ward and when you should leave your lane to go and ward, warding is more than just placing wards- it’s also about giving your team knowledge and this is what wins you games.

It can be hard to understand when you should be warding and where, so I have come up with a few scenarios from my previous ranked games, these were at around mid Diamond.

Scenario 1:

Scenario 1

Here we have a great example of successful warding to siege a tower. If we look at the map we can see there are a mixed spread of different wards on the map near us. We are quiet far pushed up sieging this tower. We are able to do this because we have set up a good range of control and green stealth wards which will prevent any possible flanks. We also have other wards on the map where one has spotted Viktor. Warding is important to give your team as much knowledge as possible.

Wards Highlighted

If you make sure that you have routes and bushes warded to scout enemy champions then it will allow you to be much more aggressive as you will know if the enemies can collapse on you. Using your red trinket to clear wards is also a good idea because it can stop possible Teleport flanks from enemies, doing this also prevents them gaining knowledge on you if you do back and camping in a bush waiting for an enemy is easier if the brush is cleared of vision!

Scenario 2:

Scenario 2

In this scenario we can see that we are pushing and sieging bot lane, it is important to provide vision for my team especially when we are pushing for an inhibitor. This is also a good example of warding as we don’t have any bot inhibitor tower, so if we were caught and aced the game would’ve been lost. This also prevents anybody back-dooring our inhibitor because we can see them coming from their jungle, the lane and the topside jungle.

Wards Highlighted

Because we were just pushing the tower down, and not yet further up I was unable to ward. You should ward if it is safe to do so.

Closing thoughts:

When sieging objectives, playing offensive, playing defensive or just in general- it is important to have a lot of vision to maximize your knowledge of where the enemy team is. Warding is crucial to winning and surviving in games, especially in the later parts of the game where being caught out can cost your team objectives or the game.

Wards save lives, Buy a control ward.

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