What Item Should You Start as Support?

4 min readJun 27, 2017


With recent changes to the support role and certain items changes. The support role has become different with missions for the starting items. We will discuss what each quest is and what starting item you should pick and when, including some example champions.

Ancient Coin

Quest: Earn 650 gold using this item
Reward: Once upgraded, you will receive a skill elixir that be used to gain a free abilty.

Ancient Coin Stats

Base stats of this item give you 5% cooldown reduction and 2 gold every 10 seconds. This is good for you to achieve your quest quicker! Ancient Coin drops gold and mana coins throughout the game, picking these up give you added bonuses and is the main way you complete your quest.

This item is great on the majority of supports in the bottom lane. Supports who play quiet passive in the lane benefit from this item alot because it gives them consistant gold and mana throughout the laning phase and game, comparing this item to Spelltheifs; this item is more reliable because with spelltheifs you may not be able to continuously auto attack or deal damage.

Champions that benefit from this item are: Janna, Soraka, Nami, Lulu, Sona and Rakan.

Relic Shield

Quest: Earn 650 gold using this item
Reward: Perminent shield that regenerates outside of combat

Relic Shield Stats

75 health and extra 2 gold per 10 seconds is a very good for support champions who are tanks. Champions that need to get tanky fast will benefit from this item. Relic Shield gives your champion a passive that can be used. If you last hit a minion near an ally then both of you will get the gold for it. The priority of minions should be : Cannon, melee, Ranged this is the order in gold value.

This item is really strong for tank supports and will help them get tankier in the late game. Once upgraded you can start to generate a shield that will protect you from enemy damage. It slowly regenerates when you are not in combat so it’s best to get it stacked and ready for when you need to fight!

Champions that benefit from this item are: Thresh, Alistar, Tahm Kench, Taric, Leona and Braum.

Spelltheif’s Edge

Quest: Earn 650 gold using this item
Reward: Added movement speed

Spellthief’s Edge Stats

Spelltheifs edge gives the champion 5 extra ability power, bonus mana regen and 2 gold every 10 seconds. Using your abilties and auto attacks make you stack this item faster, you can hold 3 maximum stacks and this can be used quickly and with efficency if you have thunderlords. This should be brought on champions that can deal consistant damage throughout the game to be gold worthy and used in conjunction with thunderlords for insane burst.

You should only take this item if your champion can deal consistant damage. If you are playing a champion that is melee then it is not suggested to use this item. If you believe that you wont be able to get the true gold value out of it, then get coin instead.

Champions that benefit from this item are: Lulu, Morgana, Zyra, Brand, Malzahar and Bard.

Well that’s it for now! Hope this gives you a little insight to the starting items for the support role, with recent changes to it, and the addition of Quests- the Support role has become much more enjoyable! Please note you do need to upgrade your support item to achieve the quest reward.

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